Payton has actually never seen the movie! So we're definitely putting that on our list for movies to watch with the family.
Before we left Halloween Town, we wanted to get a picture in front of the sign. But for some reason, when it became apparent that we were getting into photo position, this girl decided she needed to be in the photo, too. And also this guy was flying around on a flaming broom. But hey, the more the merrier, right? Just know that the girl hanging from the balloon [which is a freebie there at Halloween Town] and the guy on fire are NOT part of the family.

We went to another place afterwards, but for the life of me, I can't remember the name of it. It was SUPER ridiculously laggy, too. So we decided to head on over to the Linden Halloween tour. I have done it before, but it's definitely worth a few ridethroughs because there is much to see and it's all SO well done.

I don't know when they are going to take it down, if they take it down, but you HAVE to go to it. Just make sure that you do everything the notecard tells you to do, like putting on advanced lighting and using the region light setting, so that you get the best experience. I have not gone through it without doing that so I can't tell you if it sucks if you don't. I really should go through just using my normal settings to see what it looks like.
In fact... okay, hang on.
Nope. You need advanced lighting on. The place uses materials and without them on, it doesn't look as good. If you can't run advanced lighting, just make sure you use the region's light setting because in a bright light without materials, you just don't get the total spooky experience.
Today, I have to finish up our front porch because tomorrow, the trick or treating starts! There are 40 or so homes that have signed up to do it and pretty sure most of them will be way more haunted and stuff than ours. *laughs* But that's okay, I'm not competing. I just want the kids to get some candy. Speaking of which...I better go get some candy to give out!
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