Levi took me shopping last night and I was going to take a picture of one of the new dresses he bought me because I completely love it. He went AFK and so I started snapping pictures around him. I'm not sure what I was doing here, but somehow my Photoshopping ran away with me.
Same thing with this picture. I just start moving sliders and stuff around. Most every picture I've produced has been by accident. Annie Leibovitz, I am not. But I did really want to show you all the dress. The texturing is so amazing!!
I want this milk. Except the top of it just looks really bubbly - like soap. Levi took a picture of me with this milk too, which you can see on his Snapzilla.
Cen's been giving this guy a makeover lately. [Good makeovers are not a one day process.] I gotta say, he's looking pretty great. If we were to go by the Are We Not Men Stages of Development, Bon's made it to stage 4 already. Well, perhaps it's more like 3.5. We were at the pit last night and as I'm completely random at times...I became a scary ghost.
I love this picture. It looks like he's trying to give me an order, and I'm looking at him like "Yeah, RIGHT, buddy!"
Outside of the Fuel store [SLurl], there's a little kiosk and there's a heck of a lot of free boots and other freebies on it. I went over this morning to get those, and the free hair inside, and thought "Oh look, time for another 'Wow, I'm short!' post." But as you can see, I got distracted by the mess next to me. LOL
Oh heck. I think Mr. Kitty is hunting a bird.
Okay Alicia, I give....How short are you???? And it that your RL height? You refer to it often enough that I'm curious :)
According to various height detectors, I'm anywhere from 5'6 to 5'8 without shoes in SL. I'm just a bit shorter than that in RL. :)
I"m trying to decide which mess distracted you.
I'm 5'8" in SL & RL. I know several people who also portray their RL height, so I don't feel too short most of the time.
Too bad they don't have mandatory height detectors as a station you have to stop at to get off orientation island - lol.
My bf also portrays his RL height of 5'11" with his RL football player build. That seems too short. Mostly because my AV usually floats about 3" off the ground for some reason! Sometimes I kiss his nose when I'm aiming for his mouth - hehe!!
If we want to talk about RL height....my avie is 14 inches, or 4'10"...and yessir, I am exactly THAT tall! *Points to ruler markings by her head in RL*
When I took my RL bf into SL for the 1st time some weeks ago, he found it very awkward standing next to me as his starting avatar was equivalent to over 7 feet tall. I think he started feeling real awkward being so tall compared to myself and so one of the first things he did was shorten himself to his RL height, after I gifted him a height detector. lol
It was the little noobie looking girl that distracted me, Cen. Because those overly tall slutty looking girls are a dime a dozen in SL. LOL
Therese - well you're just a tiny thing!! It's kind of amazing how oversized avatars and other things are in SL. It makes building kinda hard sometimes [for me anyway] because you just never know what's going to match and fit.
Aw I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble:/
But, hey, you know, someone in the FashCon Cafe group proposed in a general chat when the once (back in the day in March...) popular topic of height came up that there should be a support group for short adult avatars! I told this person...Hey, if this happens, go for it! We need all the support we can get! Woooooot!
btw thanks so much for the great SLURLs! I should have thanked you sooner but it slipped my pixelated tongue *blush* Thanks, Alicia the romantic spots out there are soo hidden *shakes head lamentedly*
I loved a house where the door knob came to my chest and the door was over 20' high. A builder I know (Ric Niven) designed one I really like as compact as he could and still allow for the follow cam.
I took a building class just so I could have kitchen counters the right height. I'm pretty proud of them. My on-order LR furniture has been shrunk to fit my frame. The designer (Chriz Palen) laughed, but obliged.
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