[Thank you, Blogspot, for cutting the pic. Click on it to see the full size.]
This car is so pretty! It comes with a HUD, but I'm not sure exactly what the HUD does. I've seen it said in a couple of places that the car is hard to handle, but this is my first car in SL, so I wouldn't know. I just think it looks good.
And yes, I think I look good on it. ;) Even the inside of the car is very nicely detailed. It took me forever to get my camera in it, but I managed. :)
I took that baby out for a spin. But unfortunately, much like in the real world, I'm a danger on the road.
Maybe I should just hire a driver.
Hey Ali,
Once again we're thinking alike even though we weren't together - this time must have been vehicles.
Last night I got a new Monster Truck and a cute little pink helicopter for free.
Look out shoppers - student drivers on the road.
LOL! Oh no, if we go driving together, people will have to leap out of the way! We already can't walk. LOL
hmmm I wonder if the HUD is required for parallel parking, maybe? ;-) Nice try doing it on your own, however, you almost did it!
Important thing is - you're okay. Not a manicured fingernail broken and you walked away looking flawless as always. All in all, a successful adventure, no? :-)
/me crosses Alicia off his designated drivers list.... *g*
You wouldn't let me drive you? I'm heartbroken!! :(
Uh, umm, well, okay sure, I'd let ya drive me, you talked me into it.
I mean, what's the worst that could happen - we'd end up parked upside down on a street corner somewhere or slowly sinking backwards into some large body of water?
As long as I wasn't another drunk driver out on the road, because that would just be dangerous. :-)
Why would I need to be your designated anyway? Have you been in the wine coolers again?! :)
You drive. I'll sit next to you and look pretty.
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