Do you love it? I paired it up with just black underwear leggings, a black undershirt, and I made a torus for around my neck to be a turtleneck. With my boots that I got when I first came to SL and a necklace that was in the freebie pack I picked up last night, I was ready to go.
Not that I went anywhere really. :) But I did head over to the sandbox and built a bed.
I'm not sure if I really like it. I do have a bed that has all kinds of animations in it that I got at a treasure hunt, but it's really low to the ground and not modifiable. I guess I could put it on a higher base, but not link it. I'll have to go back and see how that looks.
It's getting late, and I'm growing crosseyed, so I believe it's time for bed.
Alicia's Tip Of The Day: If something in your inventory is modifiable, why not modify it? You may end up with something you like a whole lot more.
I'll just repeat what I told you inworld, and which I think is even more valid now I saw these.
Remove that line from your profile which claims you can't build!
:-p It's gone already. I did it after you told me to. LOL
impressive beginnings love. long life ahead.
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