But I was thinking about this article I read in an SL magazine a while ago...maybe January or February. I don't remember who it was about, but the article was about this designer who said that her time in SL was always spent working. I wish I had saved the magazine, but since I tend not to read them in SL since I figure I've already read things in blogs, I know I threw it away. Anyway, so the designer only uses SL to work. And I remember thinking at the time that seemed kind of sad to me. I wasn't any kind of content creator when that came out, so I figured maybe that's just the way it was. But now that I am kind of one, albeit a crappy one, now it's even sadder to me. How can you come into this marvelous world and only work? How do you not explore, meet people, have fun? It really makes no sense to me.
I am privileged enough to be friends with some extraordinary builders and designers. I know that they have hours where they are unreachable when they are in world because they are working. But they aren't constantly working. They take the time to enjoy themselves in SL. If SL is just your business...then isn't it really RL?
You are more than 'kind of' a content creator, you are quite good! I've been in SL for over a year and a half, and as much as I've tried, I cannot MAKE ANYTHING! You should give yourself more credit. But I agree with you, I've often wondered if the really big designers have alts that they use for 'recreation'.
Among the designers I know there are two who are very very shy, but love that their imagination can soar in Second Life.
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