Saturday, August 30, 2008

What? Sometimes I don't blog. :-p

Ok ok, I know. LOL I think it's so funny when I get IMs asking "WHERE'S THE NEW POSTS?!" Maybe not all in caps, but you get the idea. ;) It actually makes me feel good, too, to know that people read still. :)

So where have I been? In SL, but there has been a LOT of stuff going on in the past few days. And I do mean a LOT.

Most of you know now that the Viper Pit is officially closing. But we will most definitely have a new place soon!! I already have a new place for my store, but it looks exactly the same as what I had. So if you've already seen it...well...there it is. LMAO

And as I've mentioned before, our lovely home on Orcas Island is going away. It was a wonderful time living there and I am sorry to see it go. I've been there since February and Levi moved in with me in April, so we've had many good months there. :) The funniest part was probably how we ended up leaving. I thought we still had the weekend, even though I knew that things would start disappearing soon. So we were chilling on one of our pillows, locked into a very intense discussion, when...poof. LMAO No more skybox. It was the funniest thing!!! I don't think I can show the picture here, but if you go to Levi's Snapzilla and scroll down to the 3rd pic from the top, you'll see how it looked. LOL It's the one titled "I guess we should take the hint." Sooooo funny.

But, no worries, we are not homeless. In fact...we have an abundance of home now. LOL I'm actually itching to go in world right now and start working and playing with our new land, but I know if I do now, I'll never finish this post. Or eat anything, and I do need food. LOL Stupid RL body...always expecting food & water & diet coke.

And in between all the moving, there's been other things going on, too. But I think everything has worked out for the best, most definitely. I'm starting September with a lighter heart. I hope to only build on that. :)


Lilla said...

Alicia, you MUST post or we'd all, and I'm sure I speak for all of us who reads your blog EVERYDAY will start worrying!

I'm glad you're still blogging. LOL!


Alicia Chenaux said...

LOL! Well, I don't think there would be much worrying. I think it's more of a "What the hell?" thought. :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for thinking about us and putting up the houses Ali!
I hope we'll get pics of YOUR new house soon :D