One of the best parts about being in the Ch'Know group is that you never know when someone will say "Let's go..." and some of us end up partying together. Tonight Cen decided that we should go find some event and partymob it. We ended up at a club and the funniest thing is when we got there, my friend Vixivi was there! Turns out, it's his family's club. I hadn't seen Vixi in a long time, which is funny since I used to see him almost every day for a long time while I was working at Liquid Rage. He's a crazy kid [and I do say kid because I don't think he's even old enough to drink legally yet] and he immediately pulled out this giant penis and wore it. Of course I had to send him a Blingis! and he had to resize it. LOL

Blingis! 2.0 is going to have to have more bling, because once he resized, the bling was hardly noticeable.
But we had a lot of fun out there, even though we stayed pretty much in group chat and didn't mingle much with the others. But of course it's hard to mingle when you want to kick someone in the throat for having a talking belly [omg, she needed to just go to bed with her swollen ankles and her not eating right!] and when someone needs to be bitchslapped for being a drama queen because no one likes him. LOL It was fun dancing with everyone, though. What's funny is that most of us don't go to clubs in SL, but we'll go if we're all together.

After the contest, which none of us won because none of us voted or anything [although I should have won the DJ's contest of "guess the song from the movie" because there was no Eddie & The Cruisers Pt. 3], and after some people left for bed, Merrick was nice enough to invite Sai, Bettye, and me over to his new beach house because we're nosy and wanted to see it. He's got a charming little beach house, and after he got his music set up, we were all just chilling on the couches [made by Sai!] when he put out some sit-n-spins. OMG, it was so fun!

It was hard to get a picture of everyone's faces because we were all spinning so hard. LOL But this one made me laugh because Bettye's hands are up while she takes a pic, but it made it look like she was trying to hold her head still and not throw up.
I have a blog post that's been milling around in my brain for a while now, so I'm going to try to get that done this week. Normally my posts aren't planned, but since this one kind of requires a little more research, I haven't gotten it done yet. [I'm much better on the fly than I am with heavy planning.] Plus Cen gave me an idea the other day for something that kind of goes along with what I've already been wanting to try my hand at building again, so maybe I'll give that a shot this week if I can work up the design in my head. And I wanted to open Poser back up. LOL I got it, I tried it, I got discouraged, and I put it away. But I really DO want to learn it, so that'll give me something to do during the day.
Aw damn. I broke a nail. :(
1 comment:
*falls out of her deskchair, laughing*
It does look like I'm tring to hold my head on! I WAS trying to take pictures...and they're so horribly bad. But after spinning around Merrick's coffee table, I did feel a little ocky :P (kiddin').
Thanks again, everyone, for a really fun night.
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