You know what really bugs me about FashCon lately? I mean, aside from the 50,000 stupid group notices everyday, half of which are "oops, forgot my LM/notecard/texture!" The fact that there doesn't seem to be a real screening process for who gets to post notices. I could sign up as a designer, I guess. I make crap to wear. But I wouldn't because I am not that good. If I ever get better in the quality of my builds, then maybe I might feel like I can be up there with the better creators. Until then I'll just be over here in the corner. But then I see everyone who has half a store in FashCon sending out crazy notecards that are misspelled and lame. OH! That brings me to another thing. Using textspeak in "business" notecards. A notice that comes through with "And then u will look grate in ur new cloths" usually doesn't make me want to run my ass over and grab the "cloth." LOL I know not everyone has English as their first language, and I know PLUH-ENTY of native English speakers who couldn't write a coherent sentence if it would save their life, but wow. It's business, right? Maybe I'm just a bitch. LOL
OMG, check it out! I'm totally on the wall in the slideshow at Striking Poses!!

While I was out there waiting to see my pic, a neko was there with her tail like, in her butt, not coming from her spine. I should have taken a picture of that.
I think I ate too much. I have a headache. It's a chicken headache!
You're just a bitch.
I was about to come in here and comment and ask if a chicken headache is like when you were high on fried chicken, cause that made me laugh so hard last time you said that, but now I'm like ...
LMAO! I forgot about being high on fried chicken.
And thanks, Anonymous. :) How about you leave another sign with stolen artwork in front of my store? :-D
Surely you mean "PUH-LENTY"? Pluh-enty sounds kinda wrong.
And I know what you mean about Poser. Last time I tried I ended up making the little dude punch himself in the balls over and over again to vent my frustration.
Re: anonymous....
It is really pathetic when people come into SL just to be miserable and cause misery or think they are causing misery when everyone is really just laughing behind their back. I wonder what their RL is like that would encourage them to be so pathetic in a game. I feel really sorry for him or her.
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