He shouted out that a catsuit was on sale for $100L. Me being me, I asked if a cat came with the suit. I know, I know. It wasn't terribly intelligent. LOL Give me a break, it was 4am. But he said he was looking for a cat to give me. LOL! I ended up buying the outfit, because most things at Crimson Shadow can be pricy, and this catsuit is totally delish. In fact, I had planned on buying it right before I left the sim because $100L for a full outfit, from kitty ears to shoes, is NOT bad. And especially not bad for Crimson Shadow! So I bought it and he asked me to put it on so he could see it how it fit. [And because it doesn't look good on him. But shh, that's our secret.] All new clothes that I buy usually have to be tried on immediately, so I was already pulling on the socks when he asked. :-p

This catsuit is loads better than the one I have from another store. That's Tox1c back there. Aren't his wings awesome?
The catsuit comes with a bunch of pieces, including what seems to be a skin for the headpiece [like actual Catwoman] and 2 sets of ears, to wear with the headpiece and to wear with hair, plus shoes and a tail. It's really a great piece of work. Here are some better pictures.

So then, and this was a complete shock, he decided to put something else for sale and asked me what it should be!! I was drunk with power! LMAO Kidding, kidding. :) But it was fun to get to choose, and I chose a coat set. It's normally $400L, but he set it for $150L. I snatched it up quickly and put it on. He gave me a pair of boots for it too, and then told everyone in the store that anyone who bought one of the sale pieces got free boots while he was in there. [Don't go IMing him for free boots. LOL] But oh, this outfit is just so pretty. Very sexy vampire, or just sexy gothic. Oh hell, it's just sexy. Another girl who bought the outfit and I were just standing around being pretty models for a while.
You can't really see it as well in this picture I took of it, but I'll probably be running around in it later. I also paired it with just a simple pair of stilettos.

It comes with a choker and a cross tattoo for the chest. It's really marvelous.
So big big thanks to Tox1c for being so cool, and for letting me have fun with picking a sale item. And ladies, run your butts over there and pick up these sale items. I don't know how long they'll be at these prices, but they are totally worth it. Tox1c does some fantastic texturing!
But I STILL haven't won that dress from the lucky chair!!!
Sounds like a great way to end your night, those outfits are gorgeous.
I also want to send gigantic hugs cause you've done me the biggest favor ever, ever, ever. You know. Thanks :)
Regarding your blog post "Blargh.", I have posted my opinion and the lady's opinion on my blog. What happens was that before she talks to you, she was telling me about all this.
ooohhhhh.. I am sooo jealous! You are such a lucky gal and sooo sexxay in black! ;)
He did exactly the same thing for me LOL, nice guy though(great sales technique too)..he took a really nice pic of me in the 100L catsuit too..bargain bargain bargain
i am convinced there is no A in that lucky chair.LOL He did exactly the same with/for me, really nice guy, took my pic too in the bargain bargain catsuit.
I am convinced there is no A in that lucky chair i waited for it, ended up buying it when toxic reduced it to 100L..nice guy he did the same thing for me, and he took a great pic of me wearing the bargain catsuit, it looks great huh?
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