Ok, finished resizing pics. Out of the 80 or so that I took, only a few I liked. Part of this is because I'm picky, but part of this is because Tymmerie's hair never fully rezzed for me. LOL
If you want to see some much better pictures, check out GoSpeed's Flickr set of the event. :)
And yes, there are a lot of pics here. Get over it, it's my blog. :-D
OMG!! You took a ton of pictures!!! I can't believe my hair didn't rez for you - how embarrassing! LOL!! Before people think I was cheap and served bologna sandwiches to my guests, the prime rib I had out served prime rib sandwiches for some odd reason . Hey, and there was lobster, too.
LOL! Yes! The prime rib was a sandwich, and there were lobster tails, shrimp cocktail, wedding cake, and champagne. Veggies too, which I didn't see any of us touch, although I took some asparagus home with me. :-D
But we'd have been happy even if all you served were bologna sandwiches on generic bread with some purple drink. :)
OMG!! You took a ton of pictures!!! I can't believe my hair didn't rez for you - how embarrassing! LOL!! Before people think I was cheap and served bologna sandwiches to my guests, the prime rib I had out served prime rib sandwiches for some odd reason . Hey, and there was lobster, too.
LOL! Yes! The prime rib was a sandwich, and there were lobster tails, shrimp cocktail, wedding cake, and champagne. Veggies too, which I didn't see any of us touch, although I took some asparagus home with me. :-D
But we'd have been happy even if all you served were bologna sandwiches on generic bread with some purple drink. :)
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