Saturday, July 19, 2008

Hair colors & MIA

Do you all wear the same hair color in SL as you have in RL? I keep noticing RL blondes with raven black hair in SL. LOL

My answer is no. I'm a RL brunette and even started SL as one, but blonde seems to suit me better for some reason. Although when I do put on darker hair, I always like the way I look.

I just realized on my dashboard that I have 564 posts, but yet I've only posted 532. 533 with this one. Somewhere ... I have some posts that never made it to the light of day. LOL

So where are Sidonie Larkham, Andria Meredith, and Kharisma Llewellyn??? I'm most worried about Sidonie, as I think she may have cancelled her SL account. I went into a group that we're both in to look and see when the last time she logged in was, but even though it shows the group in her profile, it doesn't show her in the group. If I look her up in Search, she's not there either. :(

Levi just logged in, so I'm closing this for now.


♥ JellyBean Madison ♥ said...

I'm tote a pink head in RL. Hah! Kidding. I'm naturally blonde but prefer being a red-head. So ummm I dye my hair *gasp*

Sai Pennell said...

I am a blonde in RL, and - yep - I wear black hair in SL. I've always loved shiny black hair, and wanted to dye my hair black when I was in high school (but my grandparents would never allow it), so I never did XD

I did start SL as a blonde though - and bought a black hair at an ETD sale to try it out. When my ex-partner told me it looked better than the blonde hair, thats all I wore after that :D

Heather said...

I'm a sandy blondish light brown blah hair in rl, so I spend ridiculous money to go one way or the other each time I see my stylist. Either more blonde, or darker... I usually have a different color of hair every 12 weeks. I'm exactly like that in sl too. I go from blonde to light brown depending on the style.

Jessyka Richard said...

I'm a brunette in both RL and SL. Then again, I've based my avatar as closely on my RL self as possible.

I actually want to get my hair cut and died IRL, but I'm afraid of what I'll feel about wearing differently colored hair in SL after that. I'll have to go buy a bunch of new hair, because I really only have browns. :/

Anonymous said...

I currently have dark pink hair irl but my natural color is kind of a super dark brown.. which coincidentally hasn't seen the light of day in years, I'm always changing my hair color. I favor white or silver hair in SL because it goes with everything and I can tint it any color I want which gives me more bang for my buck. :D

Calista Janick said...

I think there aren't many people who keep their natural color in sl, probably because there's so much junk about...blondes being fun, brunnettes being sassy, ect that everyone wants to see what its like or if its true...

I'm naturally a brunnette irl but I've been dyeing my hair since I was like 13 and have always kept it blonde. In sl sometimes I have black hair but thats because I think i look bad with black hair irl lol.

But personality wise I am pretty blonde, whether they're myths or the dye got to my brain, lol I'm a blonde at heart

Anonymous said...

I usually buy black hair because I just like dark black hair. If the hair have permits it, I always tint it verious colors. My favorite is giving blue or purple tints. This way, I get color, but it's not so bright, but a nice deep shade.

Anonymous said...

Oh, haw, I forgot to tell you my RL hair color. Naturally it's a deep brown color, very dark brunette. I actually did dye my hair a very dark purple once, but these days I keep it buzzed about 1/8 inch long so dye jobs just aren't feasible :).

Casandra Shilova said...

I started SL as a blonde - for about 3 days - just didn't feel right! I was a natural blonde for a few years as a kid. And I've wanted to dye it blonde in FL, but never have.

I do have a brunette wig that looks so good on me that I can't toss it.

My hair is a soft red in FL. If my hair isn't red in SL, I'm usually dressed for a theme or RP.

Nuuna Nitely said...
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Sunflower said...

I'm raven black in RL (like most Asians) but usually either a brunette or blonde in SL!

Sidonie's still in my friends list so she can't have cancelled her SL account. I was able to access her profile from my friends list. But I went to the land where she and her business partner had been doing a sky homes rental business, and the land's been sold. So I don't know what's happening with her. I IM'd her former business parter (Mr Coolname aka Erasmus Weatherwax) and he said he hasn't heard from her either and he's worried too.