I was hanging out on my pancakes when Tox1c Chemistry of Crimson Shadow IMed me this morning. He was a little surprised to catch me online, but you know, I like to surprise people. :) The big news he had to share with me was that there are now skins at Crimson Shadow! Ok, so there has been skins there, but THESE skins are different because they're not the gothic pale never-saw-the-sun-before skins. I LOVE new skins, so of course I was more than happy to review them.
The 03 Collection by Draconic Lioncourt were created especially for Crimson Shadow. Some of you may already know Draconic from her store, Draconic Kiss, because of the cute doll/Lolita outfits she designs. I asked for the tanned skin tone, which I was pleased with because it's very awesome for summer. There are 13 makeups, ranging from nice plain everyday makeup to more wild goth makeup. The skins are $1000L each, and I didn't even think to ask if there was a fatpack available or not.
In the picture above, I'm wearing the Glamour Goth makeup. I like it so much, I think I may have to wear it the next time we hit up the New Champagne Rooms to catch Miss Bettye in action, since I think it has a very vintage quality about it.
The outfit I'm wearing was another gift from Crimson Shadow called Parlari. There's a lot of pieces to it, I wasn't quite sure how to put it all together, so I kept it simple at just the shirt, jacket, pants, and gloves. :)
My absolute favorite makeup out of the skin has to be the Jaguar Blue. [Please excuse the lighting for this pic. I couldn't get it quite right.]

As you all know, I love great eye makeup. I love smokey eyes, and this does NOT disappoint. Plus the lip is so neutral, it's perfect for me!
The only thing that I didn't care for, and I told Tox1c as much, is that the eyebrows are rather thin. But it definitely won't keep me from wearing these skins. I'm picky, but I'm not so picky that I would keep myself from wearing a great skin because of the thin eyebrows! Now if they'd been too thick...that's another story!
And just so you guys can see a better picture of all the makeups, here's the ad picture I found tucked in one of the folders. Blogspot is probably going to cut it short, so click on it to go to my Flickr for the full size.

All in all, definitely great work by Draconic, and a sure win for Crimson Shadow!
Crimson Shadow - SLurL
Draconic Kiss [just so you can check out the awesome clothes that Draconic Lioncourt designs!] - SLurl
You look lovely Alicia! What beautiful skins! And thank you so much again, for coming to the show. I'd love for you all to come again Monday, but I'll be out of town all next week. You should go on over anyway, it's loads of fun! I'm heading to the CA coast Satruday for some toes-in-the-sand with my family for a week. *runs to collect books, sunscreen, and her floppy hat*
I think the skins looks good on your shape. I know how you have mentioned not all of them look good on your shape. Of course, we all have that problem! LOL! Hope all is well and you are getting some sleep!
/me giggles..betcha didn't know that was me in the poster.. covering up my bits..what a shame *sticks her tongue out at Ali* the 02 was my fav
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