To give this a little more press, and because I FINALLY get to steal something from New World Notes, there's going to be a kissing booth set up tomorrow at the Relay Wizards Halfway There Fair. Money collected goes to Relay For Life and so it's for a good cause. :) Our own girl wonder, Tymmerie will be out there smooching! Hamlet Au, of NWN, has the shift after hers so I think I might stick around to finally meet him.
Here's the line up, snatched from NWN.
6 am ~ Random Calliope ~Prince of Avalon, Creator Ode Jewelry
7am - 9am Arminasx Saiman ~ Particle Designer ~ Blogger
9am ~ Larry Pixel ~ CEO NMC
10 am ~ Lionpride Lassard ~ DJ
11am ~ Tymmerie Thorne ~ Girl Wonder Speaks
12 noon ~ Hamlet Au ~ Reporter ~Author ~ New World Notes
1 pm ~ Zoe Connolly ~ Virtual Aviatrix, Aviatrix::Zoe Connolly
2 pm ~ Shawna Montgomery, Queen of Avalon
3pm ~ King Elexor Matador ~ Master Jeweler ~ King of Sparta
4pm ~ Kim Seifert ~ SL Songstress Extraordinaire
5pm ~ Elizabeth Antonelli, Princess of Avalon
I don't know many of the names on the list, but I figure here's my chance to smooch on Tymmerie and Jerremy can't say anything because it's for a good cause. :) I hope you all will stop by and pucker up for charity!!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Trying something new...and running right back home!
I signed up a few weeks ago for an invitation to beta test Twinity, which is kind of like SL. Today I got the email saying a space had opened up for me. So I hopped over to download the client.
First of all, the download? Freakin' SLOW. Took almost 20 minutes to download. And I run on a pretty fast DSL line, so I was really really shocked that it took so long. Second, it's a bigger download for the installer. SL's installer [for the Windows version] is 35MB. Twinity's is 122MB. Once installed, which also took fooorrrrever, the client is 359MB, compared to SL's 134MB.
Starting Twinity also took a long long time. But I will forgive them for this, slightly, since it IS Beta. But it does take a while to log in.
When you FINALLY get in, you're dumped in a welcome area and there are 6 little windows telling you how to move around. Basic stuff, arrows move you, holding down the right mouse button and moving your mouse cams around. Everyone was standing there kind of in shock. Two people said hi, but I almost missed it because the chat bubbles are small. And manuevering your avatar is not exactly easy. I never felt as noobie in my life as I did trying to just move without banging into someone. LOL I mean, I use the arrow keys constantly in SL. I very rarely bang into anyone. In fact, I think I'm a pretty good walker these days. Not so in Twinity!
The thing that really got me was how...unattractive the avatars are! You know how in SL if you put a face on a sculpted prim, you get that kind of flat weird look? Those are the avatars in Twinity. I spent about 20 minutes trying to fix myself up. I had 1000 Globals [the Twinity currency] and I was able to shop a little just from my "Me" box, but it was hard to shop too because you didn't get a really good preview of what you were buying. I DID like that you could choose the age of your avatar to try to help your face out some. I chose 23, but I didn't mean to just because every time I tried to change things, the damn thing would stop for a minute. You also have the option of uploading your own face picture, but since I was already having so many problems, I chose not to do that.
This is finally what I came up with. Please forgive me for not getting a better picture, but I couldn't figure out how to change to a daylight setting [if there was a way] and the client locked up when trying to save.

I closed out and tried to go back, but when I did, I kept getting that an unexpected error had occurred. So I uninstalled the whole darn thing.
Will I return to Twinity? Perhaps. I'd love to see how it evolves over time. But for right now, I'm perfectly happy in SL, where I rarely have any problems and my avatar is completely adorable.
First of all, the download? Freakin' SLOW. Took almost 20 minutes to download. And I run on a pretty fast DSL line, so I was really really shocked that it took so long. Second, it's a bigger download for the installer. SL's installer [for the Windows version] is 35MB. Twinity's is 122MB. Once installed, which also took fooorrrrever, the client is 359MB, compared to SL's 134MB.
Starting Twinity also took a long long time. But I will forgive them for this, slightly, since it IS Beta. But it does take a while to log in.
When you FINALLY get in, you're dumped in a welcome area and there are 6 little windows telling you how to move around. Basic stuff, arrows move you, holding down the right mouse button and moving your mouse cams around. Everyone was standing there kind of in shock. Two people said hi, but I almost missed it because the chat bubbles are small. And manuevering your avatar is not exactly easy. I never felt as noobie in my life as I did trying to just move without banging into someone. LOL I mean, I use the arrow keys constantly in SL. I very rarely bang into anyone. In fact, I think I'm a pretty good walker these days. Not so in Twinity!
The thing that really got me was how...unattractive the avatars are! You know how in SL if you put a face on a sculpted prim, you get that kind of flat weird look? Those are the avatars in Twinity. I spent about 20 minutes trying to fix myself up. I had 1000 Globals [the Twinity currency] and I was able to shop a little just from my "Me" box, but it was hard to shop too because you didn't get a really good preview of what you were buying. I DID like that you could choose the age of your avatar to try to help your face out some. I chose 23, but I didn't mean to just because every time I tried to change things, the damn thing would stop for a minute. You also have the option of uploading your own face picture, but since I was already having so many problems, I chose not to do that.
This is finally what I came up with. Please forgive me for not getting a better picture, but I couldn't figure out how to change to a daylight setting [if there was a way] and the client locked up when trying to save.

I closed out and tried to go back, but when I did, I kept getting that an unexpected error had occurred. So I uninstalled the whole darn thing.
Will I return to Twinity? Perhaps. I'd love to see how it evolves over time. But for right now, I'm perfectly happy in SL, where I rarely have any problems and my avatar is completely adorable.
Eat something!
I've been watching this issue with the Thinspo thing, the pro-anorexia pictures, and the like that's been covered on Shopping Cart Disco and NWN this week with interest. I've suffered with eating disorders probably for most of my life, since elementary school really, and I did wonder when the pro-ana/mia groups would hit SL. Because believe it or not, there are so many people out there that embrace their eating disorders and are completely for it. I am very much not one of those people. [I also didn't do my disorders right, because I never got thin!]
But, this whole thing reminded me of some pictures I took last month for the Free Speerit crying skins contest. I ended up not entering because I wasn't all that interested in entering, but I did LOVE the skins and wanted to take pictures. When I first saw the skins, I thought "Ooh, crying pissed off cheerleader!" But later that evening I saw a blog on an exercise outfit and my mind went to "Ooh, crying model." Here are the pictures I took.

It's easy to come into SL with a dislike of your body and wave your wand and poof, you're perfect. But look at it for what it is. You have a lovely avatar. But the person behind the avatar is more important. If you're unhappy with your body, in the real world, please please please don't hurt yourself trying to change. You can't take skinny with you in the end.
But, this whole thing reminded me of some pictures I took last month for the Free Speerit crying skins contest. I ended up not entering because I wasn't all that interested in entering, but I did LOVE the skins and wanted to take pictures. When I first saw the skins, I thought "Ooh, crying pissed off cheerleader!" But later that evening I saw a blog on an exercise outfit and my mind went to "Ooh, crying model." Here are the pictures I took.

It's easy to come into SL with a dislike of your body and wave your wand and poof, you're perfect. But look at it for what it is. You have a lovely avatar. But the person behind the avatar is more important. If you're unhappy with your body, in the real world, please please please don't hurt yourself trying to change. You can't take skinny with you in the end.
Someone catch my nose!
Ok, so you absolutely have to go to Kellee's Flickr page!! She posted a BUNCH of rave pics [the crazy woman took 450 pictures that night! LMAO] and I have to say, they are EXCELLENT pictures!! Just so awesome!!
I'm a little bit embarrassed that the Hester story made it to New World Notes. As Cen mentioned, I wouldn't have written about it at all had it not been for the fact that we were getting called out on it as if we were just evil people making fun of someone for no reason or that we're some little cliquish group who doesn't accept people. As newcomers to the pit know, we try to make everyone feel included when they come over. But...if you're new here because of NWN...welcome to my blog. :)
I messaged Levi earlier telling him my nose is running so much, it could make the Olympic marathon team at this rate. I'm all hopped up on cold meds right now. I don't normally take a lot of medicines. I prefer more natural ways to approach things, such as homemade chicken soup and ginger tea. [I know, I'm a hippie. LOL] But I was desperate, so now my mind is all crazy with medicine. But I'll go lay down after a while. I didn't sleep much last night. I did, however, get to catch up on A Shot of Love 2 with Tila Tequila. So I guess that...oh maybe that's why I'm sick.
Today Tomorrow is the last day in the challenge that Cen threw down to me. [LOL, omg, I have no idea what day it is.] Thank goodness because I'm going crazy not shopping! I have, however, found some great things in my inventory that I didn't know I had [designers, PLEASE label your folders better!!!] and I've gotten rid of over 1200 terrible items that had no business being in my inventory, much less released into the public. LOL C'mon, you know darn well when your seams COMPLETELY don't match up and makes your breasts look lopsided. Or your flexi skirt panels are so spread apart, it looks like you just shoved streamers in your pants. All that stuff is o-u-t.
Ok, going back to sorting inventory.
I'm a little bit embarrassed that the Hester story made it to New World Notes. As Cen mentioned, I wouldn't have written about it at all had it not been for the fact that we were getting called out on it as if we were just evil people making fun of someone for no reason or that we're some little cliquish group who doesn't accept people. As newcomers to the pit know, we try to make everyone feel included when they come over. But...if you're new here because of NWN...welcome to my blog. :)
I messaged Levi earlier telling him my nose is running so much, it could make the Olympic marathon team at this rate. I'm all hopped up on cold meds right now. I don't normally take a lot of medicines. I prefer more natural ways to approach things, such as homemade chicken soup and ginger tea. [I know, I'm a hippie. LOL] But I was desperate, so now my mind is all crazy with medicine. But I'll go lay down after a while. I didn't sleep much last night. I did, however, get to catch up on A Shot of Love 2 with Tila Tequila. So I guess that...oh maybe that's why I'm sick.
Ok, going back to sorting inventory.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
New challenge outfit, True Life, and Hester update.
So I'm still doing Cen's challenge to me about finding outfits in my inventory and not going to get anything new for the rest of the month. So I threw this together today.

The skirt is called Pedicel and it was a freebie from Sugarcube at some point. Not sure if it still is or if it's even for sale. The shirt was a freebie from Gbberish, and the shoes are Deville by Melanie Zhao and those were a gift from a hunt she'd held at her store a couple of months ago. The hair wasn't free, but it's one of the ones I picked up at ETD during the big sale and I don't wear it very much because the bangs make my nose itch. :-p
I snapped the pic out at Sinatra while I was playing on all the Animazoo dances. Great dances! Not overly dramatic or hoochie or anything. I want a bunch of them!
Tonight I watched True Life: I Live Another Life On The Web. It's one of those MTV specials, of course. But on it was Takamura Keiko, who does live music here in SL. The person behind Keiko is a very cute girl who is, like so many of us are, extremely shy. Her portion of the show was about how although she has no problems performing in SL, she couldn't perform in RL. But, finally she did. And it's a good thing, because she's really awesome. I don't really get out to live shows in SL, but I might have to check out one of hers one day. The show was pretty good, so if you catch it on MTV, give it a look. The other two girls they followed were a girl who has social anxiety, but does a porn website [well, kind of porn], and the other girl was kind of shy and ashamed of her body, but she would cyber with a lot of men online and show them bits and pieces of her body, the parts she likes.
OH oh oh oh OHHHHHHHHHH.... I have an update for you guys.
So a bunch of you commented on my blog post about Hester. Yes, the name I made up, but the entire story was real and it's alarming how I didn't have to embellish ANYTHING about it. In fact, I think I even cut some things out that would make her look worse. Well, remember how I said she found herself a man with money and was boasting about it?
Um, yeah. Looks like the relationship is over.
I have a profile fetish. I check the profiles of people on my friends list at least once a day. Sometimes more if I'm procrastinating on doing anything. LOL But I checked hers and there was nothing written and her profile picture went back to the one I'd made for her a couple of months ago, not the one with her and her boyfriend last week. Her pick about him was also gone. So I popped over to his profile, and he'd had things written about her, but they were gone too. We all figured the relationship would end soon...but not THIS soon.
My throat is sore and I'm bleh, so I'm taking my sick self to bed.

The skirt is called Pedicel and it was a freebie from Sugarcube at some point. Not sure if it still is or if it's even for sale. The shirt was a freebie from Gbberish, and the shoes are Deville by Melanie Zhao and those were a gift from a hunt she'd held at her store a couple of months ago. The hair wasn't free, but it's one of the ones I picked up at ETD during the big sale and I don't wear it very much because the bangs make my nose itch. :-p
I snapped the pic out at Sinatra while I was playing on all the Animazoo dances. Great dances! Not overly dramatic or hoochie or anything. I want a bunch of them!
Tonight I watched True Life: I Live Another Life On The Web. It's one of those MTV specials, of course. But on it was Takamura Keiko, who does live music here in SL. The person behind Keiko is a very cute girl who is, like so many of us are, extremely shy. Her portion of the show was about how although she has no problems performing in SL, she couldn't perform in RL. But, finally she did. And it's a good thing, because she's really awesome. I don't really get out to live shows in SL, but I might have to check out one of hers one day. The show was pretty good, so if you catch it on MTV, give it a look. The other two girls they followed were a girl who has social anxiety, but does a porn website [well, kind of porn], and the other girl was kind of shy and ashamed of her body, but she would cyber with a lot of men online and show them bits and pieces of her body, the parts she likes.
OH oh oh oh OHHHHHHHHHH.... I have an update for you guys.
So a bunch of you commented on my blog post about Hester. Yes, the name I made up, but the entire story was real and it's alarming how I didn't have to embellish ANYTHING about it. In fact, I think I even cut some things out that would make her look worse. Well, remember how I said she found herself a man with money and was boasting about it?
Um, yeah. Looks like the relationship is over.
I have a profile fetish. I check the profiles of people on my friends list at least once a day. Sometimes more if I'm procrastinating on doing anything. LOL But I checked hers and there was nothing written and her profile picture went back to the one I'd made for her a couple of months ago, not the one with her and her boyfriend last week. Her pick about him was also gone. So I popped over to his profile, and he'd had things written about her, but they were gone too. We all figured the relationship would end soon...but not THIS soon.
My throat is sore and I'm bleh, so I'm taking my sick self to bed.
*Sniffle cough cough*
Thanks for all the comments about the rave, guys. You don't know how fantastic it makes me feel to know that you all had a good time. :)
But I think I raved myself sick. Must have been all that acid. :-p Just kidding, but I am coming down with something. I'm all stuffy and I'm pretty sure I coughed in Levi's ear earlier. Sorry, baby. LOL
Cen asked me to throw a meme out there for people to answer because she's tired of looking at blogs that haven't been updated. Ooooh, y'all got called out for being slackers! My brain is a little foggy today, but here we go.
The Thursday Threesome
Theme: Random Questions
1. If your SL home was destroyed but you could pick ANYWHERE in Second Life to live, where would it be and why?
I'd move into one of those charming little homes on the Vignette sim because I just looooove that place. Or I'd go live with the aliens in the Greenies sim!
2. If you could go back and tell your avatar something on his/her first day in SL, what would it be?
Don't buy that AO! It will make your body look twisted and you're just going to have to rip it apart and put it in a ZHAO anyway because the holder it's in sucks.
3. Have you gotten any new toys lately in SL? Not clothes or shoes or accessories, but something that is just fun to play with.
Well, I enjoy my ravin' batons that I made a whole lot, but I think my favorite new little toy lately is the magical sky drawing wand that I got from the She's So Unusual group a few weeks ago. I guess I don't have a lot of toys. lol
Copy the questions and answer in your blogs! Or, if you don't blog, answer in the comments. :)
But I think I raved myself sick. Must have been all that acid. :-p Just kidding, but I am coming down with something. I'm all stuffy and I'm pretty sure I coughed in Levi's ear earlier. Sorry, baby. LOL
Cen asked me to throw a meme out there for people to answer because she's tired of looking at blogs that haven't been updated. Ooooh, y'all got called out for being slackers! My brain is a little foggy today, but here we go.
The Thursday Threesome
Theme: Random Questions
1. If your SL home was destroyed but you could pick ANYWHERE in Second Life to live, where would it be and why?
I'd move into one of those charming little homes on the Vignette sim because I just looooove that place. Or I'd go live with the aliens in the Greenies sim!
2. If you could go back and tell your avatar something on his/her first day in SL, what would it be?
Don't buy that AO! It will make your body look twisted and you're just going to have to rip it apart and put it in a ZHAO anyway because the holder it's in sucks.
3. Have you gotten any new toys lately in SL? Not clothes or shoes or accessories, but something that is just fun to play with.
Well, I enjoy my ravin' batons that I made a whole lot, but I think my favorite new little toy lately is the magical sky drawing wand that I got from the She's So Unusual group a few weeks ago. I guess I don't have a lot of toys. lol
Copy the questions and answer in your blogs! Or, if you don't blog, answer in the comments. :)
I can't stop raving!
Oh my gosh, did we ever have fun at the Rave tonight at The Viper Pit! 2 hours of thumpy bumpy music, neon colors, sparkles, fog, and laughing with some of the best party people around. It was sooooooo fun!!!!
No one seemed to have a problem making it to the super secret rave location, and I got the biggest smile everytime someone came in and exclaimed "WOW, LOOK AT THIS PLACE!" I had really tried hard to decorate the place as low lag as possible but as fun and bright as I could. Since I was able to take a few pics while DJing and running SL and a couple of other programs, I think I did pretty ok with it.
I didn't get to take a LOT of pics because I was busy busy, but luckily there were many photographers in the crowd. :) You can see a few pics on Aisuru's Snapzilla, and Kellee said she filled up her hard drive with pics, so we'll get to see those when she sorts through. Tymmerie's fiance Jerremy took a bunch of pics and gave them to me, so let's look at his first because they're better than mine. LOL
First, of course, the lovely Tymmerie!

Kellee, looking soooo cute, and Levi and me in the background.

Cen with her awesome bright hair and glowing hippo slippers!

And me, all pink and glowy and smiley!

I had my world set to midnight the whole time, because that's how I thought it looked best, but looking back now, I should have not done that the whole time when I was taking pics. LOL So ... deal! :)
Jerremy after he literally danced his pants [and shirt!] off. I had to edit this so you could actually see him, but I think I went a little overboard. I blame the acid.
![Rave - Jerremy [adjusted light]](
Bigger shot of the area.

Levi and me. :)

Dyami being a gogo dancer. LOL We convinced all the men to dance shirtless. Woot!

Crazy crazy crazy fun. :) Next week the theme is formals, but it's not one of those romantic type formal dances. It's just come dressed up and rock out with us. :)
After the rave, Levi and I ran off because we haven't seen each other since super super early Sunday morning. There's nothing like going to one of these loud crazy parties and then going home for cuddles. :) Of course, we went out for a bit too to get some hair [for him, not me] and then ended up playing on a stripper booth. Hehe. But then back home...and then he fell asleep on me. Well, under me, since I can't seem to NOT sit on him ever. But even that was amazingly cute and I probably would have fallen asleep myself if my chair wasn't so goshdarn uncomfortable! I really need a new one. Well, I have one that's about 2 months old, but it kind of sucked, so I moved to a dining room chair with a big cushion and it sucks too. I need to go look at chairs so I can fall asleep on him one day. :-p
I'm headed to bed now to do crosswords and watch MTV's Fat Camp until I fall asleep. Hey baby, if you go out for milkshakes again, or they send you out for staples or paper towels, feel free to wake me up. :)
No one seemed to have a problem making it to the super secret rave location, and I got the biggest smile everytime someone came in and exclaimed "WOW, LOOK AT THIS PLACE!" I had really tried hard to decorate the place as low lag as possible but as fun and bright as I could. Since I was able to take a few pics while DJing and running SL and a couple of other programs, I think I did pretty ok with it.
I didn't get to take a LOT of pics because I was busy busy, but luckily there were many photographers in the crowd. :) You can see a few pics on Aisuru's Snapzilla, and Kellee said she filled up her hard drive with pics, so we'll get to see those when she sorts through. Tymmerie's fiance Jerremy took a bunch of pics and gave them to me, so let's look at his first because they're better than mine. LOL
First, of course, the lovely Tymmerie!

Kellee, looking soooo cute, and Levi and me in the background.

Cen with her awesome bright hair and glowing hippo slippers!

And me, all pink and glowy and smiley!

I had my world set to midnight the whole time, because that's how I thought it looked best, but looking back now, I should have not done that the whole time when I was taking pics. LOL So ... deal! :)
Jerremy after he literally danced his pants [and shirt!] off. I had to edit this so you could actually see him, but I think I went a little overboard. I blame the acid.
![Rave - Jerremy [adjusted light]](
Bigger shot of the area.

Levi and me. :)

Dyami being a gogo dancer. LOL We convinced all the men to dance shirtless. Woot!

Crazy crazy crazy fun. :) Next week the theme is formals, but it's not one of those romantic type formal dances. It's just come dressed up and rock out with us. :)
After the rave, Levi and I ran off because we haven't seen each other since super super early Sunday morning. There's nothing like going to one of these loud crazy parties and then going home for cuddles. :) Of course, we went out for a bit too to get some hair [for him, not me] and then ended up playing on a stripper booth. Hehe. But then back home...and then he fell asleep on me. Well, under me, since I can't seem to NOT sit on him ever. But even that was amazingly cute and I probably would have fallen asleep myself if my chair wasn't so goshdarn uncomfortable! I really need a new one. Well, I have one that's about 2 months old, but it kind of sucked, so I moved to a dining room chair with a big cushion and it sucks too. I need to go look at chairs so I can fall asleep on him one day. :-p
I'm headed to bed now to do crosswords and watch MTV's Fat Camp until I fall asleep. Hey baby, if you go out for milkshakes again, or they send you out for staples or paper towels, feel free to wake me up. :)
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Rave Tonight!!
Come to the Viper Pit courtyard at 8pm SLT and read the sign! [the sign will be out until the end of the party, so come anytime!] From there you'll be instructed what to do and get your landmark to the super secret RAVE location! We're gonna dance our pants off tonight, so you won't want to miss out! The party starts at 8pm!!
Viper Pit courtyard - [SLurl]
Viper Pit courtyard - [SLurl]
Surfline Freebie of the Week!
I'll say this about Surfline Aloha - they are completely generous!! I got an advance copy of the freebie that's coming out this weekend.

These adorable shorts are called Nokio and come with both male and female matching versions. The male shorts are longer than the female shorts, which is the only difference that I could tell. They're comfy casual and perfect for summer!!
The shorts go up on the freebie block May 31st and will be up until June 6th. The shorts are valued at $150L, so it's a great time to go get them! There's also a lucky chair out by the store, so be sure you hit that up. :)
Surfline Aloha [SLurl]
There's still time to go get that lovely Delila dress I blogged last week, too! Hurry!
The rest of my outfit was made out of freebies from my inventory. The bikini top came from a big folder marked Swimwear, which I don't think I put together myself, and says the creator is AJ Dinkin. The hair was made by Verikai Vargas of VIXEN hairs, the sunglasses were from the ETD clover hunt, and of course my lovely skin [which is not free] was made by Stephanie Misfit of La Sylphide. My pose is one I got from the lucky chair at Striking Poses and is one from the Jennifer Lopez collection. I loooove Striking Poses!! Zelly Mornington does great poses!!

These adorable shorts are called Nokio and come with both male and female matching versions. The male shorts are longer than the female shorts, which is the only difference that I could tell. They're comfy casual and perfect for summer!!
The shorts go up on the freebie block May 31st and will be up until June 6th. The shorts are valued at $150L, so it's a great time to go get them! There's also a lucky chair out by the store, so be sure you hit that up. :)
Surfline Aloha [SLurl]
There's still time to go get that lovely Delila dress I blogged last week, too! Hurry!
The rest of my outfit was made out of freebies from my inventory. The bikini top came from a big folder marked Swimwear, which I don't think I put together myself, and says the creator is AJ Dinkin. The hair was made by Verikai Vargas of VIXEN hairs, the sunglasses were from the ETD clover hunt, and of course my lovely skin [which is not free] was made by Stephanie Misfit of La Sylphide. My pose is one I got from the lucky chair at Striking Poses and is one from the Jennifer Lopez collection. I loooove Striking Poses!! Zelly Mornington does great poses!!
When is enough really enough?
So I've kind of been called out on a comment I made about how I didn't wish one half of a couple well in their new relationship. Rather than fill up Dyami's comments, I thought I better do a post here. Plus I'm downloading songs, so you know, I have time.
From the post in question, it looks like we're being mean. It looks like we're making fun of her spelling just to do it. It looks like we're making fun of her without knowing her.
But the thing is, we do know her. In fact, we know her a little more than we'd like.
So this woman, let's call her Hester, showed up in SL around February with her RL husband. That's cool, many RL partners are in SL and lead completely separate second lives. They might hang out once in a while together, but I know many couples who have agreements about SL and what they choose to do in there. RL always comes first, and it's never an issue and it's never uncomfortable for anyone. Oh ho ho, not so for Hester and her husband. Hester and her husband were almost always together. And hey, that's cool too, right?
No, not really.
See, Hester and her husband are both very goal oriented - but the goal they were shooting for was finding a boyfriend and a girlfriend. And they had no shame about this. They came to SL not to explore, not to make friends, not to build. They came to find other people to be with. And I know what you're saying. Who cares, right? I probably wouldn't have cared at all except Hester and her husband, being horrible typists, preferred voice chat. Not that they spoke any better than they typed [they are both native English speakers, but you'd never know it], but they preferred it. And they preferred to leave their mics on all the time. This meant that all of us could hear what was going on in their house all the time. From their 2 young sons up and screaming and running around at 4 in the morning on weeknights to Hester and her husband up and screaming and calling the children all kinds of curse words. They were also very loud and open about all the SL sex that they had going on. In front of the kids.
I'm sorry, but I think this is bad parenting. Very bad. My SL friends with children are very discreet about what they're doing in SL when their children are awake and the children are always top priority. Hester and her husband couldn't have cared less.
Edited: I was reminded of this. The husband is also a soundtard - meaning he would come use about 25,000 loud gestures at once, and then hit on all the women at the pit. He even had Hester tell me that he thought I was hot! Class act!
Anyway, Cen and I had been helping Hester out since we met her. I can't tell you how many shapes and skins and clothes we gave her. She "lost" her bald base probably 2-4 times a week for almost a month, despite the fact that we'd given her MANY and despite the fact that we'd make them no modify so she couldn't even blame that. We'd come running whenever she'd cry that she messed herself up again, and we'd show her what to do, and fix her up again. Cen put in much more time than I did listening to Hester and her man problems, but I logged in my fair share of time as well. It was getting to the point to where we didn't even want to hang out at the pit, which is our HOME, because of Hester.
Finally Hester found herself a boyfriend. We figured, oh good, now she'll shut up. The boyfriend came to rent a house at the pit and all was right with the world for a little less than 2 weeks before suddenly the boyfriend was gone. Not just from SL. He had to stop answering his email and put himself on invisible on his Yahoo messenger. Poof, gone. And this was a man who had friends and was developing a business in SL! So Hester stuck around, telling everyone and anyone who would listen how much she loved this man and how she was waiting for him. But while she waited, she hit on everything in pants. That's where poor Dyami came in. LOL
Hester couldn't stop talking about this guy. She'd be dancing with Dyami or some unknown man and she'd be talking about him. Cen and I had to hear Hester's story at least twice a day up until the point Hester decided that Dyami was going to be her new man. Imagine our surprise when she said that! Imagine his surprise when he was told! LOL So he stopped logging in for almost a week. Just to get away from Hester.
During this time, Cen IMs me and says "Hester's getting partnered!" What the hell? To who?! Some random guy that she said she met. I never once met the guy because 2 days after they partnered, HE left Second Life. Left SL, and stopped answering emails and never came online on his messenger again. Well, that's two.
While all this was going on, Hester managed to make some people so uncomfortable, they no longer came to the pit. She also had us ban one of HER friends, one of her RL friends, because they were putting a cramp on her style and her man hunting. Hester kept saying how much her friend wanted to be like her because Hester has sooooo many men chasing her. Although, I rarely saw many of these men who were supposedly chasing her, and as she was always at the pit, you'd think I would have bumped into one or two.
Now I will say this about Hester. She doesn't hit on men when they have girlfriends. That is one redeeming quality about her. But the very night she was unpartnered, even though Cen and I had sat and talked with her for over an hour about how maybe this was the time to explore SL, learn a skill, and enjoy the virtual world without always being on the look-out for a man, she broke one of the biggest unspoken rules in the world. You don't go after your friend's ex. You ESPECIALLY don't go after your friend's ex-boyfriend when they have JUST come out of a long time relationship! But she did. He politely said "No way," but the damage was done.
It never occurred to Hester that this wasn't ok. It never occurred to her that people weren't hanging out anymore because of her. It never even crossed her mind that our male friends were staying far away or only coming to the pit if Cen and I were there because they no longer wanted to be around her. The stress level was getting higher at the pit because of Hester's relentless man chasing. And we couldn't just ban her because she hadn't really done anything ban-worthy and she was renting an apartment. Even when she was 5 days late with her rent, I just gently reminded her to pay. Someone else would have returned all her items after a day or two. Looking back, maybe I just should have.
Somewhere in her travels within the past 2 weeks, she found herself yet another boyfriend. He's newer to SL, only been here about a month. He's a good guy. He's intelligent and fairly well spoken. I got to talk briefly with him when I was taking their pictures. But we believe he's got the "white knight" syndrome. He's going to be the protector of this poor little woman who got her little heart broken by two big bad men and was pushed away by a couple of others. She was boasting yesterday about how he spoils her and gives her money. He even took her out of her apartment at the pit [I could kiss him for that!] and set her up in a castle. She's completely proud of herself for snagging a guy with money. Although he has not yet partnered her, which is a bit surprising given her history, I expect that they will soon enough because she will demand it.
So what we have here is a golddigger, a man hunter, a woman who can't be bothered enough to log off for a few minutes to get her children into bed at a decent hour, a woman who curses at her children using extremely foul language, someone who uses people and doesn't realize that what she's doing is not ok.
Is this enough? Is it enough to say "To hell with you" and ban her from our home? Is it ok that I do not wish her well? Is it time to remove her from my friends list and put her on mute? Before you make comments judging me or those close to me who have had to deal with this woman for far too long, you better read the story.
Just because you read a blog post or a comment by someone doesn't mean you KNOW someone or what they're really going through.
From the post in question, it looks like we're being mean. It looks like we're making fun of her spelling just to do it. It looks like we're making fun of her without knowing her.
But the thing is, we do know her. In fact, we know her a little more than we'd like.
So this woman, let's call her Hester, showed up in SL around February with her RL husband. That's cool, many RL partners are in SL and lead completely separate second lives. They might hang out once in a while together, but I know many couples who have agreements about SL and what they choose to do in there. RL always comes first, and it's never an issue and it's never uncomfortable for anyone. Oh ho ho, not so for Hester and her husband. Hester and her husband were almost always together. And hey, that's cool too, right?
No, not really.
See, Hester and her husband are both very goal oriented - but the goal they were shooting for was finding a boyfriend and a girlfriend. And they had no shame about this. They came to SL not to explore, not to make friends, not to build. They came to find other people to be with. And I know what you're saying. Who cares, right? I probably wouldn't have cared at all except Hester and her husband, being horrible typists, preferred voice chat. Not that they spoke any better than they typed [they are both native English speakers, but you'd never know it], but they preferred it. And they preferred to leave their mics on all the time. This meant that all of us could hear what was going on in their house all the time. From their 2 young sons up and screaming and running around at 4 in the morning on weeknights to Hester and her husband up and screaming and calling the children all kinds of curse words. They were also very loud and open about all the SL sex that they had going on. In front of the kids.
I'm sorry, but I think this is bad parenting. Very bad. My SL friends with children are very discreet about what they're doing in SL when their children are awake and the children are always top priority. Hester and her husband couldn't have cared less.
Edited: I was reminded of this. The husband is also a soundtard - meaning he would come use about 25,000 loud gestures at once, and then hit on all the women at the pit. He even had Hester tell me that he thought I was hot! Class act!
Anyway, Cen and I had been helping Hester out since we met her. I can't tell you how many shapes and skins and clothes we gave her. She "lost" her bald base probably 2-4 times a week for almost a month, despite the fact that we'd given her MANY and despite the fact that we'd make them no modify so she couldn't even blame that. We'd come running whenever she'd cry that she messed herself up again, and we'd show her what to do, and fix her up again. Cen put in much more time than I did listening to Hester and her man problems, but I logged in my fair share of time as well. It was getting to the point to where we didn't even want to hang out at the pit, which is our HOME, because of Hester.
Finally Hester found herself a boyfriend. We figured, oh good, now she'll shut up. The boyfriend came to rent a house at the pit and all was right with the world for a little less than 2 weeks before suddenly the boyfriend was gone. Not just from SL. He had to stop answering his email and put himself on invisible on his Yahoo messenger. Poof, gone. And this was a man who had friends and was developing a business in SL! So Hester stuck around, telling everyone and anyone who would listen how much she loved this man and how she was waiting for him. But while she waited, she hit on everything in pants. That's where poor Dyami came in. LOL
Hester couldn't stop talking about this guy. She'd be dancing with Dyami or some unknown man and she'd be talking about him. Cen and I had to hear Hester's story at least twice a day up until the point Hester decided that Dyami was going to be her new man. Imagine our surprise when she said that! Imagine his surprise when he was told! LOL So he stopped logging in for almost a week. Just to get away from Hester.
During this time, Cen IMs me and says "Hester's getting partnered!" What the hell? To who?! Some random guy that she said she met. I never once met the guy because 2 days after they partnered, HE left Second Life. Left SL, and stopped answering emails and never came online on his messenger again. Well, that's two.
While all this was going on, Hester managed to make some people so uncomfortable, they no longer came to the pit. She also had us ban one of HER friends, one of her RL friends, because they were putting a cramp on her style and her man hunting. Hester kept saying how much her friend wanted to be like her because Hester has sooooo many men chasing her. Although, I rarely saw many of these men who were supposedly chasing her, and as she was always at the pit, you'd think I would have bumped into one or two.
Now I will say this about Hester. She doesn't hit on men when they have girlfriends. That is one redeeming quality about her. But the very night she was unpartnered, even though Cen and I had sat and talked with her for over an hour about how maybe this was the time to explore SL, learn a skill, and enjoy the virtual world without always being on the look-out for a man, she broke one of the biggest unspoken rules in the world. You don't go after your friend's ex. You ESPECIALLY don't go after your friend's ex-boyfriend when they have JUST come out of a long time relationship! But she did. He politely said "No way," but the damage was done.
It never occurred to Hester that this wasn't ok. It never occurred to her that people weren't hanging out anymore because of her. It never even crossed her mind that our male friends were staying far away or only coming to the pit if Cen and I were there because they no longer wanted to be around her. The stress level was getting higher at the pit because of Hester's relentless man chasing. And we couldn't just ban her because she hadn't really done anything ban-worthy and she was renting an apartment. Even when she was 5 days late with her rent, I just gently reminded her to pay. Someone else would have returned all her items after a day or two. Looking back, maybe I just should have.
Somewhere in her travels within the past 2 weeks, she found herself yet another boyfriend. He's newer to SL, only been here about a month. He's a good guy. He's intelligent and fairly well spoken. I got to talk briefly with him when I was taking their pictures. But we believe he's got the "white knight" syndrome. He's going to be the protector of this poor little woman who got her little heart broken by two big bad men and was pushed away by a couple of others. She was boasting yesterday about how he spoils her and gives her money. He even took her out of her apartment at the pit [I could kiss him for that!] and set her up in a castle. She's completely proud of herself for snagging a guy with money. Although he has not yet partnered her, which is a bit surprising given her history, I expect that they will soon enough because she will demand it.
So what we have here is a golddigger, a man hunter, a woman who can't be bothered enough to log off for a few minutes to get her children into bed at a decent hour, a woman who curses at her children using extremely foul language, someone who uses people and doesn't realize that what she's doing is not ok.
Is this enough? Is it enough to say "To hell with you" and ban her from our home? Is it ok that I do not wish her well? Is it time to remove her from my friends list and put her on mute? Before you make comments judging me or those close to me who have had to deal with this woman for far too long, you better read the story.
Just because you read a blog post or a comment by someone doesn't mean you KNOW someone or what they're really going through.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Randomosity - Part 5 - This & That & Big Butts!
M Linden Finally Speaks!!
The new CEO of Linden Lab finally made a blog post, and you have to go read it AND follow the link to Melanie774 Kidd's Flickr because she caught him just fresh off the boat looking just as noob as they come...and sleeping on the job!
New template, because I've been gravitating more towards pink stuff lately, and I was getting bored with the blue. :-p I'm going to make a header for myself at some point.
I was looking at my friends list and I am seriously thinking that some people have added me to their list just to have me there. There are people on my list that I've only spoken to ONCE, and that was usually right after they'd IMed me telling me they love my blog. Hey, I'm not a SLebrity. Adding me doesn't make you cooler. LOL Well, it probably doesn't HURT... :-P
I've been thinking a lot lately on if I'll return to Liquid Rage when and if it ever reopens. I was talking to Levi about this the other night, and the truth is, I am honestly not sure if I will go back. I'm enjoying what I do now in SL. I'm enjoying doing what I want when I want. My expenses in SL are fairly small, and I do pretty well tip wise on the nights I DJ at the pit. And of course, there's always buying $L. :) Although I haven't yet had to do that, and can't foresee a time anytime soon where I'd have to, since I don't spend all that much anyway. So I just don't know if I'll go back. If they ever reopen. It's been over a month. LOL
Ok, I've been banging away at this post here and there since early this evening. I had some RL things going on here at home, and then Cen logged in, and then I was laughing HARD because of what happened at the pit earlier. This girl that had showed up last week at the party came by and brought a new friend to dance in the bar. Cen, Sehra, and I were hanging out in the courtyard trying to put some rave looks together when they came out. OMG, the guy was just....
You know when you're in high school or college and you go to the mall with your friends and there's that older guy that hangs out and flirts with the young girls and he's not exactly creepy but he's not exactly NOT creepy? That was this guy. Cen and the other girl had run off on one of Cen's whirlwind newbie makeovers, and so Sehra and I were there at the pit being polite to his face and talking about him in our conference. The guy was like, "I stay away from SL men." So after I asked if he was a homophobe, I told him that half the women in SL are men anyway. He asked if I was a man. I said I could be. This cracked us up, and he left a little bit afterwards.
But while we were giggling over it still, I said if I was a man, I'd be 8 feet tall with huuuuuuuge boobs, a huuuuuuuge ass, and a tiiiiiiiiiny waist. So... we made shapes as if we were men pretending to be women. And it is double funny because she and I are around the same size, very petite! Then Cen dared us to come to ETD that way. We don't back down from a dare!

The newbie in the back there looks bewildered. LOL
Anyway, that really was the highlight of my night. Especially since Levi didn't log in and we didn't have breakfast. No pancakes, no hashbrowns, and no french toast!!! Baby, I am STARVING!! I am wasting away!!!! :-p
The new CEO of Linden Lab finally made a blog post, and you have to go read it AND follow the link to Melanie774 Kidd's Flickr because she caught him just fresh off the boat looking just as noob as they come...and sleeping on the job!
New template, because I've been gravitating more towards pink stuff lately, and I was getting bored with the blue. :-p I'm going to make a header for myself at some point.
I was looking at my friends list and I am seriously thinking that some people have added me to their list just to have me there. There are people on my list that I've only spoken to ONCE, and that was usually right after they'd IMed me telling me they love my blog. Hey, I'm not a SLebrity. Adding me doesn't make you cooler. LOL Well, it probably doesn't HURT... :-P
I've been thinking a lot lately on if I'll return to Liquid Rage when and if it ever reopens. I was talking to Levi about this the other night, and the truth is, I am honestly not sure if I will go back. I'm enjoying what I do now in SL. I'm enjoying doing what I want when I want. My expenses in SL are fairly small, and I do pretty well tip wise on the nights I DJ at the pit. And of course, there's always buying $L. :) Although I haven't yet had to do that, and can't foresee a time anytime soon where I'd have to, since I don't spend all that much anyway. So I just don't know if I'll go back. If they ever reopen. It's been over a month. LOL
Ok, I've been banging away at this post here and there since early this evening. I had some RL things going on here at home, and then Cen logged in, and then I was laughing HARD because of what happened at the pit earlier. This girl that had showed up last week at the party came by and brought a new friend to dance in the bar. Cen, Sehra, and I were hanging out in the courtyard trying to put some rave looks together when they came out. OMG, the guy was just....
You know when you're in high school or college and you go to the mall with your friends and there's that older guy that hangs out and flirts with the young girls and he's not exactly creepy but he's not exactly NOT creepy? That was this guy. Cen and the other girl had run off on one of Cen's whirlwind newbie makeovers, and so Sehra and I were there at the pit being polite to his face and talking about him in our conference. The guy was like, "I stay away from SL men." So after I asked if he was a homophobe, I told him that half the women in SL are men anyway. He asked if I was a man. I said I could be. This cracked us up, and he left a little bit afterwards.
But while we were giggling over it still, I said if I was a man, I'd be 8 feet tall with huuuuuuuge boobs, a huuuuuuuge ass, and a tiiiiiiiiiny waist. So... we made shapes as if we were men pretending to be women. And it is double funny because she and I are around the same size, very petite! Then Cen dared us to come to ETD that way. We don't back down from a dare!

The newbie in the back there looks bewildered. LOL
Anyway, that really was the highlight of my night. Especially since Levi didn't log in and we didn't have breakfast. No pancakes, no hashbrowns, and no french toast!!! Baby, I am STARVING!! I am wasting away!!!! :-p
Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...
I just realized I'm 6 posts [5 now] away from beating my record number of blog posts for a month. I logged an enormous amount of posts in February. 82. That's crazy. LOL What can I say? The weather was bad here. Not sure why so many this month, other than the fact that I enjoy writing so much. Maybe I'll beat the record this month. Well, 5 more posts. I will probably reach that by tomorrow. :-p
So I was standing around trying to put together my first challenge outfit. I was actually surprised how hard it was to do. Normally when I'm getting dressed and I don't have a game plan, I just reach immediately for a pair of jeans from Celestial Studios [my fave jeans!] or my black mini from WRONG and I build from there.
Today I started at the bottom of my inventory and just started trying things on. And surprisingly, I started deleting a LOT of things. Shirts that had bad seams. Skirts that weren't built very well. Freebies that I somehow had gotten duplicates of. But I still didn't have an outfit! Then I slipped on some cute jeans from Yak & Yeti that I didn't even know I had. From there I put on a freebie top I'd picked up in the <3Cupcakes clearance section, and some freebie sandals that I'd gotten at Peppermint Blue. I was so happy with my new little outfit, I hopped off to take a summer picture at Vignette, which might be replacing Pillow Talk as my favorite place to take pictures now because I can drop a posestand to move myself around for the perfect shot. Oh, and because it's gorgeous.

Yay, summer outfit! Aren't the jeans just too cute? I don't usually like pants in SL that don't have prim cuffs, but I'll make an exception for these because they're too adorable. And to think I probably wouldn't have known about them for a long time if Cen hadn't thrown down the challenge. :)
While I was taking my pic, I noticed the canoe. And since I cannot stop myself from trying to sit and ride on things, I got in.

I never would have made it through a 3 hour tour.
So I was standing around trying to put together my first challenge outfit. I was actually surprised how hard it was to do. Normally when I'm getting dressed and I don't have a game plan, I just reach immediately for a pair of jeans from Celestial Studios [my fave jeans!] or my black mini from WRONG and I build from there.
Today I started at the bottom of my inventory and just started trying things on. And surprisingly, I started deleting a LOT of things. Shirts that had bad seams. Skirts that weren't built very well. Freebies that I somehow had gotten duplicates of. But I still didn't have an outfit! Then I slipped on some cute jeans from Yak & Yeti that I didn't even know I had. From there I put on a freebie top I'd picked up in the <3Cupcakes clearance section, and some freebie sandals that I'd gotten at Peppermint Blue. I was so happy with my new little outfit, I hopped off to take a summer picture at Vignette, which might be replacing Pillow Talk as my favorite place to take pictures now because I can drop a posestand to move myself around for the perfect shot. Oh, and because it's gorgeous.

Yay, summer outfit! Aren't the jeans just too cute? I don't usually like pants in SL that don't have prim cuffs, but I'll make an exception for these because they're too adorable. And to think I probably wouldn't have known about them for a long time if Cen hadn't thrown down the challenge. :)
While I was taking my pic, I noticed the canoe. And since I cannot stop myself from trying to sit and ride on things, I got in.

I never would have made it through a 3 hour tour.
So Cen threw down a challenge to me in my last blog entry.
A) No new purchases for the rest of this month (including freebies unless they are limited offers and MUST haves)
B) Do not allow yourself to wear your standards or favorites
C) Find and wear things you've never worn or only worn once
D) Put together seperates in different ways to create "new" outfits
I decided to accept, because I like a challenge and this might be a way to get my inventory semi-organized as I try things on and ask "What the hell was I thinking getting this?" and end up throwing things away.
But if you see me running down the street wearing a green sweater, a pair of orange leggings, a purple skirt, with one blue shoe and one black boot... well, you'll know what happened.
A) No new purchases for the rest of this month (including freebies unless they are limited offers and MUST haves)
B) Do not allow yourself to wear your standards or favorites
C) Find and wear things you've never worn or only worn once
D) Put together seperates in different ways to create "new" outfits
I decided to accept, because I like a challenge and this might be a way to get my inventory semi-organized as I try things on and ask "What the hell was I thinking getting this?" and end up throwing things away.
But if you see me running down the street wearing a green sweater, a pair of orange leggings, a purple skirt, with one blue shoe and one black boot... well, you'll know what happened.
One thing leads to another
I know yesterday was Memorial Day here in the States, but I decided to head over to one of the memorial sites today instead. One of my high school classmates was killed overseas in a bombing a couple of years ago, and even though I knew I wouldn't see his name on a board or anything like that, I thought I'd go just pay my respects.
However, as I was sitting there, a big blue star on the other side caught my eye. So I slid down the side of the memorial site and ended up here.

The Juanita Motel, where you can live in a charming teeny tiny little motel room. And it made me laugh, but it is such a cute little place! And how can you say no to living in a place that announces this so proudly?

I mean, really. Isn't that what we're all searching for in the long run? A place to watch our porn?
But I guess there aren't any vacancies, because no one was behind the desk. There was a great picture of Elvis, though. There's a picture of Marilyn Monroe on the other side of the office, but I couldn't get it in the shot.

After my little motel visit, I went home to change my clothes [I'd been wearing that dress since last night!] and that led me to trying to organize my inventory a little bit. I laugh at newbies who proclaim proudly that they have 2000 inventory items. I scoff at those who have 7000 items all neatly organized into folders and subfolders and subsubfolders. My inventory is enormous and in organized chaos. I do have some folders for specific things. I just now started putting together a shoes & boots folder. And I have a folder for all my ETD stuff. One day I might even have a folder for hair that's not ETD.
But organizing for me involves trying on a great many outfits. And I realized something today.

I have too many clothes....and nothing to wear.
This is insanely sad.
However, as I was sitting there, a big blue star on the other side caught my eye. So I slid down the side of the memorial site and ended up here.

The Juanita Motel, where you can live in a charming teeny tiny little motel room. And it made me laugh, but it is such a cute little place! And how can you say no to living in a place that announces this so proudly?

I mean, really. Isn't that what we're all searching for in the long run? A place to watch our porn?
But I guess there aren't any vacancies, because no one was behind the desk. There was a great picture of Elvis, though. There's a picture of Marilyn Monroe on the other side of the office, but I couldn't get it in the shot.

After my little motel visit, I went home to change my clothes [I'd been wearing that dress since last night!] and that led me to trying to organize my inventory a little bit. I laugh at newbies who proclaim proudly that they have 2000 inventory items. I scoff at those who have 7000 items all neatly organized into folders and subfolders and subsubfolders. My inventory is enormous and in organized chaos. I do have some folders for specific things. I just now started putting together a shoes & boots folder. And I have a folder for all my ETD stuff. One day I might even have a folder for hair that's not ETD.
But organizing for me involves trying on a great many outfits. And I realized something today.

I have too many clothes....and nothing to wear.
This is insanely sad.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Stompin' Around
Sorry for not really updating today. LOL I was busy, and besides, Cen came back and we had to be silly. Like when she asked me if I had a throne she could sit on.

Even though she and I kept in contact while she was gone from SL, I missed my best friend being around!!! So I'm totally glad she's back.
I also semi-finished my stompers. I sent them out to the Ch'Know group for beta testing. It really was mostly for the girls to test out for me, just because they're huge and pink. But Dyami tested them for me too! And he had to make them bigger. LOL So that means that when I get them done, I'll add 2 sizes to the pack. Huge and Daaaaamn!

I think I have my rave outfit finalized, so tomorrow I just have to get the playlist together and I am sooooo excited!!!!! I couldn't help it, I had to show Cen the super secret rave location tonight, just to make sure what I had done was good. We kind of got caught up dancing up there. LOL It's mesmerizing!
Oh, and for those of you wondering what to wear to the party Wednesday... the short answer is: ANYTHING YOU WANT!! But if you want to get more of a rave outfit together, this might help.
Rave Dressing For Women
Rave Dressing For Men
Speaking of fashion, the lovely GoSpeed pulled me over to a store today because there was one of those fashion disasters that I love so much standing there. LOL But unfortunately I wasn't quick enough to catch her before she left. Luckily, Go is fast and caught a picture of this hot mess.

I don't even know what to say about that. All I can guess is that she was cooking something fried and slipped on her way to the stove with the pan of oil and the oil drenched her and she had to go shopping for some non-oily clothes.
I'm off to bed, because my chair is completely uncomfortable and I'm pretty tired anyway. But before I go... another LOLSLoser!

Even though she and I kept in contact while she was gone from SL, I missed my best friend being around!!! So I'm totally glad she's back.
I also semi-finished my stompers. I sent them out to the Ch'Know group for beta testing. It really was mostly for the girls to test out for me, just because they're huge and pink. But Dyami tested them for me too! And he had to make them bigger. LOL So that means that when I get them done, I'll add 2 sizes to the pack. Huge and Daaaaamn!

I think I have my rave outfit finalized, so tomorrow I just have to get the playlist together and I am sooooo excited!!!!! I couldn't help it, I had to show Cen the super secret rave location tonight, just to make sure what I had done was good. We kind of got caught up dancing up there. LOL It's mesmerizing!
Oh, and for those of you wondering what to wear to the party Wednesday... the short answer is: ANYTHING YOU WANT!! But if you want to get more of a rave outfit together, this might help.
Rave Dressing For Women
Rave Dressing For Men
Speaking of fashion, the lovely GoSpeed pulled me over to a store today because there was one of those fashion disasters that I love so much standing there. LOL But unfortunately I wasn't quick enough to catch her before she left. Luckily, Go is fast and caught a picture of this hot mess.

I don't even know what to say about that. All I can guess is that she was cooking something fried and slipped on her way to the stove with the pan of oil and the oil drenched her and she had to go shopping for some non-oily clothes.
I'm off to bed, because my chair is completely uncomfortable and I'm pretty tired anyway. But before I go... another LOLSLoser!

I'll never let go!
So I was watching Titanic today, and after it was done, and after I'd stopped crying [oh hush], I started thinking about the huge hat Rose wore when they boarded.

Of course I had to try to build one for myself. In light colors, since it's summer. But when I was done, and when I'd stopped laughing to myself, I thought, "Where's the best place to show this crazy thing off at?"
The RMS Titanic, of course!
[And I have no idea what just happened to my formating here. LOL]

Isn't it just a big piece of crazy on my head? LOL But I love it!
And of course I had to go be Queen of the World!!

There's actually 2 poseballs there. Remember when Jack had Rose there and she had her arms spread? Same thing. :)
But in true SL fashion, and it's darkly funny if you have a sense of humor... when I hopped off the poseball, I fell into the water.

I've been decorating the secret rave location tonight. Oh I think you guys are gonna love it. I stood up there for a long time tonight just admiring. LOL I'm working on my stompers right now. I can't wait for those to be done because they're already so cute to me. Probably ONLY going to be cute to me, but that's ok. :)
Back to my boot making. :)

Of course I had to try to build one for myself. In light colors, since it's summer. But when I was done, and when I'd stopped laughing to myself, I thought, "Where's the best place to show this crazy thing off at?"
The RMS Titanic, of course!
[And I have no idea what just happened to my formating here. LOL]

Isn't it just a big piece of crazy on my head? LOL But I love it!
And of course I had to go be Queen of the World!!

There's actually 2 poseballs there. Remember when Jack had Rose there and she had her arms spread? Same thing. :)
But in true SL fashion, and it's darkly funny if you have a sense of humor... when I hopped off the poseball, I fell into the water.

I've been decorating the secret rave location tonight. Oh I think you guys are gonna love it. I stood up there for a long time tonight just admiring. LOL I'm working on my stompers right now. I can't wait for those to be done because they're already so cute to me. Probably ONLY going to be cute to me, but that's ok. :)
Back to my boot making. :)
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Loads of pics!
This post is very pics heavy. I'm not apologizing, I'm just telling you. :)
So last night I did a photo for someone and her new boyfriend. She had asked me a couple of days before if I could and I put it off because last time she asked me that [less than 2 weeks ago], the guy picked up and left SL soon after they partnered. So I thought I'd wait and see before spending time on it. LOL But I had some time last night and I figured I'd just slap together something for them.
*image deleted*
I probably would have gotten fancier with it, but fixing them so that they didn't look bad took longer than I first thought. His body was jagged, her skirt was sticking in points out of her hip, it was a mess.
So after all that, Levi logged in and we spent the rest of the night [and early morning!] together. :) I know, I know. I could go on and on about him and be totally mushy. :) But the truth is, we have just the best chemistry and we have so much fun doing small things. It's not uncommon for us to sit somewhere while we're exploring and then an hour passes before we know it because we've just been talking and talking. We spent almost 5 hours last night voice chatting and I don't spend 5 hours talking to ANYONE. LOL
We started off by going to a jazz club. They were playing Latin music, which was completely awesome. Even more awesome, it was a dressy place, so I finally got to wear that gorgeous Marinoco group gift dress.

After that, we headed out to the absolutely gorgeous sim of Vignette. [SLurl] Vignette is gorgeous and inspired by buildings and furniture from the 1920's to the 1960's. They also play very very old music, which is pretty neat. But the best part is that it's a quiet beautiful place to just hang out with someone. There are lots of poseballs and Pillow Talk pillows all over the place. Of course, I LOVE poseballs, so we had to test out a whole bunch. :)

Yeah, I went a little too far with the editing. LOL

This one was a little too vampire for us.

Everyone loves a roll in the hay, right?

After laughing and talking about farming [he's got his own tractor and bottom land, I'd bring 2 chickens, 6 sheep, and my county fair award winning apple pie to the farm], we went out to another gorgeous sim, Le Parc. [SLurl] Le Parc is French rustic farm inspired. There's pigs and cows and a really awesome old farmhouse and a windmill and it's just beautiful!! There are also a few poses out there to play with. :)
I'm a cowgirl!

That's right, honey. Make me a sword!

We took a kiss break. Breaks are quite important.

Cute. :)

I know you farmed all day, dear, but I need this floor cleaned.

Relaxing with my farmer and with a kitty. I LOVE this kitty!!

I want this kitty, but he's 28 prims. Fat little kitty. LOL

And of course, a final roll in the hay. :)

Although really we didn't do much, I still had a blast. There's that point in a new relationship where you start having your own private jokes, your own little words and sayings, and that just makes it so much sweeter. :)
Now, I'm going to log in and see if we can't make some pancakes. LOL
So last night I did a photo for someone and her new boyfriend. She had asked me a couple of days before if I could and I put it off because last time she asked me that [less than 2 weeks ago], the guy picked up and left SL soon after they partnered. So I thought I'd wait and see before spending time on it. LOL But I had some time last night and I figured I'd just slap together something for them.
*image deleted*
I probably would have gotten fancier with it, but fixing them so that they didn't look bad took longer than I first thought. His body was jagged, her skirt was sticking in points out of her hip, it was a mess.
So after all that, Levi logged in and we spent the rest of the night [and early morning!] together. :) I know, I know. I could go on and on about him and be totally mushy. :) But the truth is, we have just the best chemistry and we have so much fun doing small things. It's not uncommon for us to sit somewhere while we're exploring and then an hour passes before we know it because we've just been talking and talking. We spent almost 5 hours last night voice chatting and I don't spend 5 hours talking to ANYONE. LOL
We started off by going to a jazz club. They were playing Latin music, which was completely awesome. Even more awesome, it was a dressy place, so I finally got to wear that gorgeous Marinoco group gift dress.

After that, we headed out to the absolutely gorgeous sim of Vignette. [SLurl] Vignette is gorgeous and inspired by buildings and furniture from the 1920's to the 1960's. They also play very very old music, which is pretty neat. But the best part is that it's a quiet beautiful place to just hang out with someone. There are lots of poseballs and Pillow Talk pillows all over the place. Of course, I LOVE poseballs, so we had to test out a whole bunch. :)

Yeah, I went a little too far with the editing. LOL

This one was a little too vampire for us.

Everyone loves a roll in the hay, right?

After laughing and talking about farming [he's got his own tractor and bottom land, I'd bring 2 chickens, 6 sheep, and my county fair award winning apple pie to the farm], we went out to another gorgeous sim, Le Parc. [SLurl] Le Parc is French rustic farm inspired. There's pigs and cows and a really awesome old farmhouse and a windmill and it's just beautiful!! There are also a few poses out there to play with. :)
I'm a cowgirl!

That's right, honey. Make me a sword!

We took a kiss break. Breaks are quite important.

Cute. :)

I know you farmed all day, dear, but I need this floor cleaned.

Relaxing with my farmer and with a kitty. I LOVE this kitty!!

I want this kitty, but he's 28 prims. Fat little kitty. LOL

And of course, a final roll in the hay. :)

Although really we didn't do much, I still had a blast. There's that point in a new relationship where you start having your own private jokes, your own little words and sayings, and that just makes it so much sweeter. :)
Now, I'm going to log in and see if we can't make some pancakes. LOL
Hours and hours with my baby tonight. I am exhausted!!!! I have pictures to show too but I'm too tired to upload. So I just have one thing to say.
/me giggles to herself and runs away to bed finally.
/me giggles to herself and runs away to bed finally.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
How to piss me off for the low price of $100L.
I'm about to rip my hair out.
If you ask someone who has basic photoshop skills and does moderately decent profile pictures to do a photo for you, and you're paying for it, this means you want a good picture. Am I correct in assuming that?
So if this is true, then there's a few things you need to remember.
1. If the photographer asks you to do something, you do it. Whether it's take your facelight off, or point your eyes somewhere, or remove your god awful bling, just do it. Learn what "bling off" means and do it. Or stop wearing it!!!
2. Have kind of an idea as to what you want. If you really don't and you just want something nice, let them know that you're allowing them to be creative. When they ask you "Do you want sweet delicate lady or dirty lice infested bitch?" it is not the time to answer "Ok."
3. Don't get off the posestand or poseball before you're given the all clear. It's a waste of hard drive space to catch you in mid leap because you thought they were done.
4. Please watch what you're wearing and check your jewelry. I swear I'm going to start holding classes in "Moving Your Jewelry...aka Hey you, your necklace is embedded into your jugular vein."
Ok, I feel better now. And someone the next street over is blasting Louie Armstrong's "What A Wonderful World" which is charming me back into a good mood. :)
If you ask someone who has basic photoshop skills and does moderately decent profile pictures to do a photo for you, and you're paying for it, this means you want a good picture. Am I correct in assuming that?
So if this is true, then there's a few things you need to remember.
1. If the photographer asks you to do something, you do it. Whether it's take your facelight off, or point your eyes somewhere, or remove your god awful bling, just do it. Learn what "bling off" means and do it. Or stop wearing it!!!
2. Have kind of an idea as to what you want. If you really don't and you just want something nice, let them know that you're allowing them to be creative. When they ask you "Do you want sweet delicate lady or dirty lice infested bitch?" it is not the time to answer "Ok."
3. Don't get off the posestand or poseball before you're given the all clear. It's a waste of hard drive space to catch you in mid leap because you thought they were done.
4. Please watch what you're wearing and check your jewelry. I swear I'm going to start holding classes in "Moving Your Jewelry...aka Hey you, your necklace is embedded into your jugular vein."
Ok, I feel better now. And someone the next street over is blasting Louie Armstrong's "What A Wonderful World" which is charming me back into a good mood. :)
I stole this from Cen. It's kind of accurate!
If you were shown a table with the following fruit, which fruit would you pick?
1. Orange
2. Apple
3. Banana
4. Coconut
5. Pineapple
6. Papaya
7. Mango
8. Cherry
9. Grapes
10. Peach
11. Custard Apple
12. Pear
Pick one before you scroll not CHEAT!!!
I chose Cherry, because that's just what I would automatically grab for so no one else could get them. LOL And what the heck is a custard apple?

ORANGE - If orange is your favorite fruit, it speaks of a person who has enduring patience and willpower. You like to do things slowly, but very thoroughly and are completely undaunted by hard work. You tend to be shy, but are reliable and trustworthy friend. You have an aesthetic bent of mind. You select your partner with care and you love with all your heart, and not in for just a fling. You avoid conflict at all costs.
APPLE - If apple is your favorite fruit, you are an extravagant, impulsive and outspoken person, often with a bit of a temper. While you may not be the best organizer yourself, you make a good team leader and are good at taking things forward. You can take quick action in most situations. You enjoy travel immensely.
You ooze with charm when you are with your partner. You have an enthusiasm for life, unmatched by most.
BANANA - You are a softy! Loving, gentle, warm and sympathetic by nature is the banana lover. You often lack in self-confidence and are quite timid by nature. People often take advantage of your sweet temper, and sheer vulnerability to a situation. You adore your partner in every which way, both for their mental and physical beauty! Because of the way you are, your relationship is always very much in harmony!
COCONUT - The coconut lover is a serious, very thoughtful and contemplative person. Though you enjoy socializing, you are particular about the company you keep. You tend to be stubborn but not necessarily foolhardy. Shrewd, quick-witted and alert, you ensure that you are right on top of any given scenario, especially at work. You need a partner with brains, and while passion is important it certainly isn't everything for you.
PINEAPPLE - You are quick to decide and even quicker to act. You are brave in asking career changes, if that is what is to your advantage. You have exceptional organizing abilities and are undaunted by the size of the task at hand. You tend to be self reliant, sincere and honest in your dealings with others. Though you are
not given to making friends very quickly, once you do, it is for life.
Your partner is often impressed with your sterling qualities but disappointed in your ability to show affection.
PAPAYA - You are truly fearless and take much that happens in life in your stride. You give considerable thought to things you do. You have a sense of humor that, along with your generous nature, keeps you in most people's good books. You are a go-getter in your professional life, and have a knack for being in the right place at the right time. You enjoy meeting new people and seeing new sights whenever you can. Your sense of humor is what attracts members of the opposite sex to you more
than anything else. It is simply charming!
MANGO - A mango lover is a personality to reckoned with; quite often, you are a person who has quite fixed ideas, and influencing you is not an easy task. You tend to be an extremist with strong likes and dislikes, and at times even like to control a situation.. You enjoy getting involved in something that presents mental challenge.. Strong as you may be, you are like a kitten when you are with your partner. You accommodate the love of your life, and make up for all the strong will elsewhere!
CHERRY - If cherry is your favorite fruit, life isn't always as sweet for you. You often face ups and downs, particularly professionally, and find that you make small sums of $$$, instead of a lump sum. You have a fertile imagination and are often involved in creative pursuits. You are a very sincere and loyal partner, but find that expressing your feelings is not very easy. Your home is your haven, and you love nothing more than being surrounded by close family and your beloved partner.
GRAPES - You are a polite person in general, but do have quick flare-ups of temper that cool down just as quickly. You enjoy beauty in all forms, including beautiful people. You are very popular because of your warm, gregarious nature. You have a zest for life; you enjoy everything you do, right from the way you dress, to your style and your day-to-day life. Your partner must share your zeal and zing for life to enjoy all you have to offer!
PEACH - Like a peach, you enjoy the juice of life and all its lush ripeness! You are the friendly sort, and are quite frank and outspoken, which adds to your charm. You are quick to forgive and forget; and value your friendships highly. You have an independent and ambitious streak in you that make you a real go-getter. You are the ideal lover, fiery and passionate but sincere and faithful in love. You don't, however, like to display all that passion in public.
CUSTARD APPLE - You are a modest and conservative person who can be quite sensitive at times. You tend to be thoughtful and contemplative, and therefore are rarely rash in doing things. You are quite ambitious and are good at anything that requires much detailing or working with numbers. You are quick at finding fault with others. While looking for a partner, you value a person's intellect far above their looks or good old passion. You are quite shy and not very comfortable demonstrating affection.
PEAR - If you put your mind to something you can do it successfully, but by and large you tend to be fickle and have trouble completing a task with the enthusiasm you started it with. You need to know the results of your efforts almost immediately. You enjoy mental stimulation and love to get into a good discussion! You tend to be a restless and high-strung person, and are easily excited.. Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect! It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!
1. Orange
2. Apple
3. Banana
4. Coconut
5. Pineapple
6. Papaya
7. Mango
8. Cherry
9. Grapes
10. Peach
11. Custard Apple
12. Pear
Pick one before you scroll not CHEAT!!!
I chose Cherry, because that's just what I would automatically grab for so no one else could get them. LOL And what the heck is a custard apple?

ORANGE - If orange is your favorite fruit, it speaks of a person who has enduring patience and willpower. You like to do things slowly, but very thoroughly and are completely undaunted by hard work. You tend to be shy, but are reliable and trustworthy friend. You have an aesthetic bent of mind. You select your partner with care and you love with all your heart, and not in for just a fling. You avoid conflict at all costs.
APPLE - If apple is your favorite fruit, you are an extravagant, impulsive and outspoken person, often with a bit of a temper. While you may not be the best organizer yourself, you make a good team leader and are good at taking things forward. You can take quick action in most situations. You enjoy travel immensely.
You ooze with charm when you are with your partner. You have an enthusiasm for life, unmatched by most.
BANANA - You are a softy! Loving, gentle, warm and sympathetic by nature is the banana lover. You often lack in self-confidence and are quite timid by nature. People often take advantage of your sweet temper, and sheer vulnerability to a situation. You adore your partner in every which way, both for their mental and physical beauty! Because of the way you are, your relationship is always very much in harmony!
COCONUT - The coconut lover is a serious, very thoughtful and contemplative person. Though you enjoy socializing, you are particular about the company you keep. You tend to be stubborn but not necessarily foolhardy. Shrewd, quick-witted and alert, you ensure that you are right on top of any given scenario, especially at work. You need a partner with brains, and while passion is important it certainly isn't everything for you.
PINEAPPLE - You are quick to decide and even quicker to act. You are brave in asking career changes, if that is what is to your advantage. You have exceptional organizing abilities and are undaunted by the size of the task at hand. You tend to be self reliant, sincere and honest in your dealings with others. Though you are
not given to making friends very quickly, once you do, it is for life.
Your partner is often impressed with your sterling qualities but disappointed in your ability to show affection.
PAPAYA - You are truly fearless and take much that happens in life in your stride. You give considerable thought to things you do. You have a sense of humor that, along with your generous nature, keeps you in most people's good books. You are a go-getter in your professional life, and have a knack for being in the right place at the right time. You enjoy meeting new people and seeing new sights whenever you can. Your sense of humor is what attracts members of the opposite sex to you more
than anything else. It is simply charming!
MANGO - A mango lover is a personality to reckoned with; quite often, you are a person who has quite fixed ideas, and influencing you is not an easy task. You tend to be an extremist with strong likes and dislikes, and at times even like to control a situation.. You enjoy getting involved in something that presents mental challenge.. Strong as you may be, you are like a kitten when you are with your partner. You accommodate the love of your life, and make up for all the strong will elsewhere!
CHERRY - If cherry is your favorite fruit, life isn't always as sweet for you. You often face ups and downs, particularly professionally, and find that you make small sums of $$$, instead of a lump sum. You have a fertile imagination and are often involved in creative pursuits. You are a very sincere and loyal partner, but find that expressing your feelings is not very easy. Your home is your haven, and you love nothing more than being surrounded by close family and your beloved partner.
GRAPES - You are a polite person in general, but do have quick flare-ups of temper that cool down just as quickly. You enjoy beauty in all forms, including beautiful people. You are very popular because of your warm, gregarious nature. You have a zest for life; you enjoy everything you do, right from the way you dress, to your style and your day-to-day life. Your partner must share your zeal and zing for life to enjoy all you have to offer!
PEACH - Like a peach, you enjoy the juice of life and all its lush ripeness! You are the friendly sort, and are quite frank and outspoken, which adds to your charm. You are quick to forgive and forget; and value your friendships highly. You have an independent and ambitious streak in you that make you a real go-getter. You are the ideal lover, fiery and passionate but sincere and faithful in love. You don't, however, like to display all that passion in public.
CUSTARD APPLE - You are a modest and conservative person who can be quite sensitive at times. You tend to be thoughtful and contemplative, and therefore are rarely rash in doing things. You are quite ambitious and are good at anything that requires much detailing or working with numbers. You are quick at finding fault with others. While looking for a partner, you value a person's intellect far above their looks or good old passion. You are quite shy and not very comfortable demonstrating affection.
PEAR - If you put your mind to something you can do it successfully, but by and large you tend to be fickle and have trouble completing a task with the enthusiasm you started it with. You need to know the results of your efforts almost immediately. You enjoy mental stimulation and love to get into a good discussion! You tend to be a restless and high-strung person, and are easily excited.. Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect! It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!
And now for our next event....
I went to bed about 5 hours ago. I didn't sleep. I really thought giving up caffeine was going to help things out on the sleep front, but um, I was mistaken. LOL
It was a quiet night for me last night again without Cen or Levi to keep me company but I did get some work done. Oh no no, not for the store. You know that work comes in phases. :-p But I got some work done for our next Hump Day Party!!
This coming Wednesday, get your asses ready to party, because we are having a RAVE! When you come to the pit on Wednesday, you'll find a board telling you your next step to get to the rave location. ;) [Only one step, it's not that hard to get there. LOL]
I'll be spinning dance & techno, and of course dressed bright and neon. :)
Actually, I went shopping around tonight for my rave outfit, and I saw some big stomper boots and thought "Hey wait. I could make those myself. They're like, 5 big pieces and some detailing." So I hopped home and put some basic huge boots together. They're VERY basic at the moment, no real definition, but they're my weekend project because I'm actually really happy with how just the basic boot turned out. But I guess since there's not much to it, I can't be completely pleased with myself. LOL

I still don't know what all I'm going to add to the boots. But hopefully it'll be good. :)
I guess I'll go back and lay down now.
It was a quiet night for me last night again without Cen or Levi to keep me company but I did get some work done. Oh no no, not for the store. You know that work comes in phases. :-p But I got some work done for our next Hump Day Party!!
This coming Wednesday, get your asses ready to party, because we are having a RAVE! When you come to the pit on Wednesday, you'll find a board telling you your next step to get to the rave location. ;) [Only one step, it's not that hard to get there. LOL]
I'll be spinning dance & techno, and of course dressed bright and neon. :)
Actually, I went shopping around tonight for my rave outfit, and I saw some big stomper boots and thought "Hey wait. I could make those myself. They're like, 5 big pieces and some detailing." So I hopped home and put some basic huge boots together. They're VERY basic at the moment, no real definition, but they're my weekend project because I'm actually really happy with how just the basic boot turned out. But I guess since there's not much to it, I can't be completely pleased with myself. LOL

I still don't know what all I'm going to add to the boots. But hopefully it'll be good. :)
I guess I'll go back and lay down now.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Kleenex Alert
Most people who know me know that I tear up over lots of things. Sad commercials, when someone on tv gets a makeover, when the American Idol finalists that I like are singing and they do well, when someone tells me something sweet, etc. I'm a crybaby and I admit it.
But reading this article today had me in tears for about 10 minutes. We all grieve in different ways. This is the way one woman has chosen to do it.
The Husband That Echi Made
No bad comments on this, no matter what you think, ok?
But reading this article today had me in tears for about 10 minutes. We all grieve in different ways. This is the way one woman has chosen to do it.
The Husband That Echi Made
No bad comments on this, no matter what you think, ok?
Laughing At The Classifeds
I would kill for some banana cream pie right now. Just so you all know.
I was sitting around in SL a little while ago, not really doing anything except looking at myself, which is my favorite pastime, and I opened up the Search thing just to see what kind of ads people are putting up these days. Have you all ever read the "Personal" section of the classifeds? I was rolling on the floor laughing at how terrible some of them are!
Now some of them are just regular ads for clubs and beaches and stores, and generally fetish and BDSM oriented. But some of them are truly personal ads, and mostly for escorts.
One woman proclaims that she is arm candy and has a stunning wardrobe, and is available for hire to accompany you to events so you're with the most beautiful woman in the room. Her picture, however, shows a tiny lipped avatar with orange oiled skin. And not even good oil. It's the oil that looks like white steaks - including on the face. So yes, if you'd like a slicked up orange who could possibly have an acne flareup at any time...
Another ad is for a "friend" who needs a man. I would be so mad if Cen had done that to me back in my single days. LMAO!
And another is from a woman looking for a sugar daddy because she's always had a dream of being a millionaire's mistress. Well who hasn't?!
Then one from a man saying he likes women, but not for sex, and the women who answer his ad can live in his house and on his land and he'll take care of them. And expect nothing in return? Oh, I BET! :-p
If you're bored and want a laugh, look in the classifeds. There are truly some comic gems in there, if you can weed past the ones that are just pathetic and sad.
I think I'm going to go out and hunt for pie. Because I'm not going to be able to rest until I get some. I don't often really really want something, but when I do, I absolutely MUST have it soon or I won't be able to think!
I was sitting around in SL a little while ago, not really doing anything except looking at myself, which is my favorite pastime, and I opened up the Search thing just to see what kind of ads people are putting up these days. Have you all ever read the "Personal" section of the classifeds? I was rolling on the floor laughing at how terrible some of them are!
Now some of them are just regular ads for clubs and beaches and stores, and generally fetish and BDSM oriented. But some of them are truly personal ads, and mostly for escorts.
One woman proclaims that she is arm candy and has a stunning wardrobe, and is available for hire to accompany you to events so you're with the most beautiful woman in the room. Her picture, however, shows a tiny lipped avatar with orange oiled skin. And not even good oil. It's the oil that looks like white steaks - including on the face. So yes, if you'd like a slicked up orange who could possibly have an acne flareup at any time...
Another ad is for a "friend" who needs a man. I would be so mad if Cen had done that to me back in my single days. LMAO!
And another is from a woman looking for a sugar daddy because she's always had a dream of being a millionaire's mistress. Well who hasn't?!
Then one from a man saying he likes women, but not for sex, and the women who answer his ad can live in his house and on his land and he'll take care of them. And expect nothing in return? Oh, I BET! :-p
If you're bored and want a laugh, look in the classifeds. There are truly some comic gems in there, if you can weed past the ones that are just pathetic and sad.
I think I'm going to go out and hunt for pie. Because I'm not going to be able to rest until I get some. I don't often really really want something, but when I do, I absolutely MUST have it soon or I won't be able to think!
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