Monday, May 19, 2008

Uranus is bigger than Earth!

See, it is!

Yes, I really AM that immature. :-p

By accident I found myself at the Bowling Green State University Planetarium [SLurl] where they have the solar system built to scale. You can click on each of the planets and get a notecard with some facts [too many numbers for my Uranus-joke making self, but some of you smart folks may enjoy it] and it's just a well done little exhibit. There is no Pluto, though. :( Poor little Pluto.

The BGSU sim is pretty cool, with lots to look at and even a decent sandbox to build in. It allows scripts too, for those of you who want to look at things that have to use a rez system [like houses]. But no weapons, so put the guns down.

And check it out... I sat on Uranus!

Yay, Uranus!

I astound myself with how quickly I can revert back to being 12 years old.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see you are wearing the ugly shoes :P *giggles*