We got to spend some time with a couple of girls who fit in very well with us. :) I know Mena reads my blog, not sure about Amiyah, but hi to both of you! These girls are not only really fun, but really fabulous because look what I got!!
I couldn't have been more surprised or pleased!! And man, do I love these shoes! I am going to spend forever changing the looks of these shoes with all the texture options.
Speaking of gifts, earlier today Aisuru Rieko sent me the cutest thing she's been working on. A cake chaise!
Isn't it adorable? The strawberry looks super real, too. Made me soooo hungry for this summer cake I make every year for the 4th of July. I just love strawberries.
And if you were wondering, yes, my store now has a building again. LOL I have to retexture the insides, though, so that's my Monday project before I have to go host. My Monday time slot at Rage has changed from 8-10pm because of the DJ I have now. This is going to be the first Monday that I've hosted without Punisher. I'm really bummed about it still. :( But...nothing I can do about it now. Well, aside from quitting. LOL
Outside in the courtyard of the pit, we have basketball now. We're athletic! Well, ok, not me so much. So I ended up changing clothes to cheer my man on.
He said I was distracting. I didn't think so.
But the best part of my night is always when we get to just hang out at home together. :) He thinks I have a great voice, but I think he's got an even better one. Soooo sexy. [Am I embarrassing you, honey? LOL] We got caught up in taking pictures while we were on the couch. I couldn't resist fancying some up and so you all just have to deal with that now. :)
I'm going to make him do some couples poses with me soon. And I'm going to make him a profile picture. :) I haven't had the chance since Cen & I did our pictures together to really have fun with photography. Levi took some pics tonight too with some pretty cool effects, which you can see in his Snapzilla.
It's time for bed...which is what I said about 2 hours ago. lol
thank you for the mention! glad you like it. i'll send one to anyone who IM's me inworld since I'm trying to get some opinions/feedback. I'm still a real novice. My hard drive kind of went aspody last night, so it might be a couple days before I can get it fixed. :(
Aisuru Rieko
Heeey Alicia!! we are glad you like the shoes as much as i do! and im more than glad you didnt had to punch me down to get them ;)...and oh well, im sure Ami WILL be your new reader ....see you!! oxox
YAY!!!! You and Levi are well on your way to being as sickeningly sweet as me and Jerremy!!! ROFL!!! Yay for love!!! You need to make up a cheer for love.
Oh, your comment about you and Levi taking pics, I thought, hey I should invite you (and anyone reading) to come and take pics on my lawn :D
I've been adding some cute pose items in my yard, so far I've got a Happy Stump and BP tree both of which seat 2 people (Happy stump has multiple poses! click either the stump or red mushroom to cycle poses). I'm working on adding more.
Anyway, here's the spot:
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