Last night I went over to Mela's [SLurl] to check out some friend poseballs from Poseur, which I think I'll end up getting since they're inexpensive and cute, and as I turned around, I was confronted with this.
No really...what's wrong with her butt??? That's not an apple bottom. That's like she put a watermelon sideways in her pants and said, "That's the ticket." I'm really not one to make fun of peoples' shapes, since what looks right to you may not look right to someone else, but sometimes I can't help but comment when it's so out of proportion! She was extraordinarily wide from the front as well. She had a very pretty face, but wow. That butt!
I think I was grinding my teeth in my sleep last night because my jaws have been hurting today. So that means it's time for some drugs, diet coke, and some kind of soft dinner before I settle in for the evening. :)
I was just there too a few minutes ago and ran into that same person! Had to take a snapshot myself. Things that make you go hmmmmmmm....
The phrase 'That's the ticket' made me laugh so loudly!
Dyami - LOL! Oh dear, now everytime I go over there, I'll be searching for the butt lady.
Willow - Always glad to amuse. :) That phrase is one I use quite often in my RL, and I'm not sure why.
i like big butts and i cannot lie but hot damn, that's um... excessive?
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