I spent a lot of the evening looking at houses. No, not for me. There are a lot of very pretty prefab houses out there. I've never really looked before since I've always been in apartments in SL. If I ever did need a house, I think I'd end up buying one of the Pillow Talk houses, though. I still think those are just so pretty and almost fairy tale like.
Cen and I were talking earlier and I think this Saturday we're going to have to have another courtyard party at the Viper Pit. It's been far too long since our last one and I haven't gotten to DJ in a while. I also think that a lot of us need a party to just forget about things and have some fun.
Dear men - "You look tasty" is not a pickup line, no matter how much you'd like it to be. It's especially not a pickup line when said tasty is quietly working on something and not talking.
I think my next big purchase is going to be a skin from La Sylphide. I've just loved the one that I got from the Cal Gal Friendship Week, but the makeup is just a little heavy for everyday wear. But I went and got demos tonight and I think I want to buy one.
I guess I'll attempt bed now.
Maybe it was a typo? They knew you were off caffeine and were trying to say "You look testy."
Were they were right? heh
But either way, I'd say they were.
LOL, I'm a testy tasty? Hmm...ok, I'll agree with that today. :)
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