I'm wearing a skin by TULI, which was a group gift. It's one of my favorite skins, although I don't wear it as much as the one from <3Cupcakes. So if I look different than I normally do, that's why. But it's just such a beautiful skin, I couldn't resist taking a picture of myself in it.
I went to Blaze last night because I was on a demo rush all over the place [see what happens when I'm left alone too long?] and imagine my surprise when there was actually a gift from FashCon Free Day that I hadn't picked up! And the fact that it was still out there was so cool. It's a Boyfriend Shirt! I love it!
I'm really pleased with how these all came out, except that in the black and white picture, I darkened the shadows a little too much, so you can't tell that I'm actually standing in a corner.
Dinner is ready!
Oooh, is that the S4 sunkissed skin Tuli gave out a while back? Looks different on you than it does on me. ^.^ That is one of my favorite alternate skins though!! Good choice. =]
And I love the boyfriend shirt. Tres sexy. <3
Yep, that's the skin! I just love it. When I have my prim lashes on, it gives my face a very doll-like appearance.
Awwww....Don't feel conceited - your pics are always to show us something (clothes, photography or skins, etc.)or show action. Nothing conceited about that.
Hello, I just met your Blooger and I'm already in love with it!
I'm wondering if you could tell me where you bought this nice glasses... It's difficult to find beautiful ones .
I'll look for the bf t-shirt in my messy inventory! Good tip!
Thanks already!
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