I came home empty handed and completely sad.
There is a serious shortage of cute, non-slutty, non-ugly, SIMPLE dresses in SL. Oh, I found dressy dresses. I found dresses masquerading as simple dresses only to realize there are 5000 little layers and ruffles to them. I found crazy dresses that practically give the farm away. I found super expensive dresses that didn't even have any prim parts. But I did not find anything simple and cute.
I know, just last week I was raving over the dresses at <3Cupcakes, and I DO still enjoy spending my $L in there. But today I couldn't find what I wanted there either. The dresses just seemed too frilly. And don't get me wrong, I love me some frilly, but it wasn't what I was looking for.
What I'm looking for is just really basic, sleeveless dresses, preferably with a flexi skirt, that doesn't cost $15,000L. :-p I'm looking for polo dresses, too. So...if anyone has any suggestions, please throw them at me.
If I have to learn how to make my own damn dresses, that is going to piss me off.
Did you look at *ICING* at all? Similar to <3 Cupcakes, but with more of a "retro" feel to some of their dresses. They have a few really cute summer-y dreses available. Most of her stuff is around $295L.
You might want to check out Bossa Nova too. Again, more dresses with a "retro" feel to them, but very cute and classy. Also, she usually has several dresses marked down to $50L that if you scan around the displays you will find them.
*thinks* I know I saw a polo shirt dress someplace recently, but I just ate lunch and am feeling sleepy and full, so I can't think of which store.
Other places to go look at...try Kenzie's, Emery, PixelDolls, Persona, LaynieWear/SYD, First Impressions, Nicky Ree, Little Rebel, Nyte N' Day, Boing Fromage, Mischief, Artilleri, Simone...
Anyway, hopefully those are some good ideas. One other place - I am totally forgetting the name of the store but if you go to the Barcelona sim, right in the main square near the cafe there is a dress shop with some really cute, simple, inexpensive dresses and outfits. Might want to give it a look-see (plus Barcelona is a cool place to hang out anyway.)
Hope the day gets better! *hug*
Also, popfuzz has several cute and simple dresses at her sale downstairs for cheap!
oh and Frangipani designs has very cute things none over 200L as far as I can remember, plus free hair, and a free outfit plus she has a sale wall where everything is under 50L
have you looked at Persona? i have a couple cute dresses from there. And Versteck (I think that's the name). I can't log into SL now but I know I have some dresses like you are describing in my inventory.
I remembered a couple more. Savvy Avvy, and then Savvy? (two different stores.) Callie Cline would be worth a look too (her stuff is not so much my style but she's a great designer.) Also Optimal @Le Zoo. Umm...PopFuzz, Versteck. Go check out Mischief Cove (where *ICING* is at), and visit love.love.love - they have a few really cute dresses there. There's anoter store at Mischief Cove as well - the name escapes me at the moment - but it's a few doors down from *ICING* if I recall. Oh, give Ivalde a look as well - I think you have one of their dresses (the white Edwardian?) but they do have tons of other items.
Ok end of the day and my brain is tired. Hope you find what you were looking for!
Is this something like what you're looking for?
Simone is having a 100L sale right now, I saw some cute short dresses in her "Casuals" section. (At least I think it was the casuals section...)
have you checked Frangipani? On the sale wall, they have some cute summer/spring dresses. One in particular on the top row.
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