The thing I love about these sims is - of course - the shopping! You can pick up all kinds of neat things for free or very very cheap. I have no idea how to read Japanese, so I have to rely on the pictures on the boxes most of the time to know what I'm getting. Even if I could read Japanese, I wouldn't be able to because I never can see symbols in SL. They all look like little boxes or stars. Anyone know how to fix that?
While I was shopping, I picked up some great freebies! Wonderful tops, a cool wearable bicycle which I then strapped on to ride around the sim, a cute piano purse, and...this kitty hat!
For some reason, I'm totally into this hat. :) It was a freebie I found while riding past some of the outdoor vendors. I even got some cool flower windows that I really like!
Needless to say, I picked up a BUNCH of things. I didn't like all of it once I got it home [since I didn't know what most of it was when I got it], but some of it I'm really happy with. :) Not everything is free out there, of course, but even the things that cost are pretty darn cheap. Loads of fun if you're on a budget. :)
My friend Go showed me a site tonight so I can learn more things to do to my SL photos, and of course I must bother you guys with it. ;)
The photos look better full size, of course. The technique is called The Orton Effect and is a film photography technique that has been adapted for digital photography. I think the effect is just lovely. Big thank you to Go for showing me that! :)
I'm getting tired, so I think I'll get into some pajamas and make the blog rounds before bed.
Oh! Btw! Tymmerie has a poll up for the ladies to answer on what we're looking for in an SL guy. Go over and answer! :)
Can you give us link to this photo editing site? Thank you.
You're good at Ortonizing :-)
Orton would be proud :P
~ Go
Ok so I read your post and had to check out that sim, one of my favorite passtimes is exploring Japanese sims!
Best thing about the adorable free bike (other than its basket) is that when you turn, it you do the proper hand turning signals :)
Thank you for blogging it. I love it!
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